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InsteaDMatic: Towards cross-platform automated continuous rotation electron diffraction

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 نشر من قبل Maria Roslova
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A DigitalMicrograph script InsteaDMatic has been developed to facilitate rapid automated continuous rotation electron diffraction (cRED) data acquisition. The script coordinates microscope functions, such as stage rotation, camera functions relevant for data collection, and stores the experiment metadata. The script is compatible with any microscope that can be controlled by DigitalMicrograph and has been tested on both JEOL and Thermo Fisher Scientific microscopes. A proof-of-concept has been performed through employing InsteaDMatic for data collection and structure determination of a ZSM-5 zeolite. The influence of illumination settings and electron dose rate on the quality of diffraction data, unit cell determination and structure solution has been investigated in order to optimize the data acquisition procedure.

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Tribological loading of metals induces microstructural changes by dislocation-mediated plastic deformation. During continued sliding, combined shear and lattice rotation result in the formation of crystallographic textures which influence friction an d wear at the sliding interface. In order to elucidate the fundamental lattice rotation kinematics involved in this process during the early stages of sliding, we conducted unlubricated, single pass sliding experiments on a copper bicrystal. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) performed directly on the bulk surface of the wear tracks in the vicinity of the bicrystal grain boundary reveals subgrain formation and crystal lattice rotations by approximately up to 35{deg}. Predominantly, the tribologically induced crystal rotations appear to be kinematically constrained to rotations around the transverse direction (TD) and occur in both grains, irrespective of load. We demonstrate that inverting the sliding direction (SD) inverts the sense of crystal rotation, but does not change the principal nature of rotation for the majority of indexed EBSD data. A lower proportion of the crystal lattice rotates much farther around TD (roughly up to 90{deg}), accompanied by a superimposed crystal rotation around SD. Detailed analysis reveals that sliding direction and grain orientation possess a systematic influence of how crystal rotations are accommodated. This observation is rationalized in terms of geometry, anisotropic wear track profiles and slip traces. Under very specific conditions, combined crystal rotation and twinning are observed. These detailed insights into the fundamental nature of tribologically induced lattice rotation kinematics may be instrumental in the development of materials with superior tribological properties.
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