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Extracting Skyrme energy density functional parameters with Heavy-Ion Collision Data

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 نشر من قبل Yingxun Zhang
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The effective Skyrme energy density functionals are widely used in the study of nuclear structure, nuclear reaction and neutron star, but they are less established from the heavy ion collision data. In this work, we find 22 effective Skyrme parameter sets, when incorporated in use the transport model, ImQMD, to describe the heavy ion collision data, such as isospin diffusion data at 35 MeV/u and 50 MeV/u. We use these sets to calculate the neutron skin of $^{208}$Pb based on the restricted density variation method, and obtain the neutron skin of $^{208}$Pb in the range of $delta R_{np}=0.18pm0.04$ fm.

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اقرأ أيضاً

129 - B. Bally , B. Avez , M. Bender 2011
In these proceedings, we report first results for particle-number and angular-momentum projection of self-consistently blocked triaxial one-quasiparticle HFB states for the description of odd-A nuclei in the context of regularized multi-reference ene rgy density functionals, using the entire model space of occupied single-particle states. The SIII parameterization of the Skyrme energy functional and a volume-type pairing interaction are used.
67 - J. M. Dong , X. L. Shang 2020
The tensor force, as an important component of strong nuclear force, generates a variety of intriguing effects ranging from few-body systems to neutron stars. It is responsible for the nucleon-nucleon correlation beyond mean-field approximation, and is accordingly proved to play no role in the standard Skyrme energy density functionals in the present work. Therefore, the Skyrmes original tensor interaction that is extensively-employed presently is invalid. As an alternative strategy, we introduced a central interaction, i.e., the $bm{sigma }_{1}cdot bm{sigma }_{2}$ term, to improve the description of experimental single-particle structure, and to address its effect, we established two Skyrme interactions IMP1 and IMP2 complemented by the calibrated charge-violating interactions. The central $bm{sigma }_{1}cdot bm{sigma }_{2}$ interaction turns out to substantially improve the description of shell evolution in Sn isotopes and $N=82$ isotones.
Using covariance analysis, we quantify the correlations between the interaction parameters in a transport model and the observables commonly used to extract information of the Equation of State of Asymmetric Nuclear Matter in experiments. By simulati ng $^{124}$Sn+$^{124}$Sn, $^{124}$Sn+$^{112}$Sn and $^{112}$Sn+$^{112}$Sn reactions at beam energies of 50 and 120 MeV per nucleon, we have identified that the nucleon effective mass splitting are most strongly correlated to the neutrons and protons yield ratios with high kinetic energy from central collisions especially at high incident energy. The best observable to determine the slope of the symmetry energy, L, at saturation density is the isospin diffusion observable even though the correlation is not very strong ($sim$0.7). Similar magnitude of correlation but opposite in sign exists for isospin diffusion and nucleon isoscalar effective mass. At 120 MeV/u, the effective mass splitting and the isoscalar effective mass also have opposite correlation for the double n/p and isoscaling p/p yield ratios. By combining data and simulations at different beam energies, it should be possible to place constraints on the slope of symmetry energy (L) and effective mass splitting with reasonable uncertainties.
284 - T. Lesinski 2007
We perform a systematic study of the impact of the J^2 tensor term in the Skyrme energy functional on properties of spherical nuclei. In the Skyrme energy functional, the tensor terms originate both from zero-range central and tensor forces. We build a set of 36 parameterizations, which covers a wide range of the parameter space of the isoscalar and isovector tensor term coupling constants, with a fit protocol very similar to that of the successful SLy parameterizations. We analyze the impact of the tensor terms on a large variety of observables in spherical mean-field calculations, such as the spin-orbit splittings and single-particle spectra of doubly-magic nuclei, the evolution of spin-orbit splittings along chains of semi-magic nuclei, mass residuals of spherical nuclei, and known anomalies of charge radii. Our main conclusion is that the currently used central and spin-orbit parts of the Skyrme energy density functional are not flexible enough to allow for the presence of large tensor terms.
212 - H. Sagawa , G. Col`o , Ligang Cao 2020
In a recent paper [Phys. Rev. C 101, 014305 (2020)], Dong and Shang claim that the Skyrme original tensor interaction is invalid. Their conclusion is based on the misconception that the Fourier transform of tensor interaction is difficult or even imp ossible, so that the Skrme-type tensor interaction was introduced in an unreasonable way. We disagree on their claim. In this note, we show that one can easily get the Skyrme force in momentum space by Fourier transformation if one starts from a general central, spin-orbit or tensor interaction with a radial dependence.
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