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New constraint on the atmosphere of (50000) Quaoar from a stellar occultation

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 نشر من قبل Ko Arimatsu
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report observations of a stellar occultation by the classical Kuiper belt object (50000) Quaoar occurred on 28 June 2019. A single-chord high-cadence (2 Hz) photometry dataset was obtained with the Tomo-e Gozen CMOS camera mounted on the 1.05 m Schmidt telescope at Kiso Observatory. The obtained ingress and egress data do not show any indication of atmospheric refraction and allow to set new $1sigma$ and $3sigma$ upper limits of 6 and 16 nbar, respectively, for the surface pressure of a pure methane atmosphere. These upper limits are lower than the saturation vapor pressure of methane at Quaoars expected mean surface temperature ($T sim 44$ K) and imply the absence of a $sim$10 nbar-level global atmosphere formed by methane ice on Quaoars surface.

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82 - B. Sicardy , J. Talbot , E. Meza 2016
We present results from a multi-chord Pluto stellar occultation observed on 29 June 2015 from New Zealand and Australia. This occurred only two weeks before the NASA New Horizons flyby of the Pluto system and serves as a useful comparison between gro und-based and space results. We find that Plutos atmosphere is still expanding, with a significant pressure increase of 5$pm$2% since 2013 and a factor of almost three since 1988. This trend rules out, as of today, an atmospheric collapse associated with Plutos recession from the Sun. A central flash, a rare occurrence, was observed from several sites in New Zealand. The flash shape and amplitude are compatible with a spherical and transparent atmospheric layer of roughly 3~km in thickness whose base lies at about 4~km above Plutos surface, and where an average thermal gradient of about 5 K~km$^{-1}$ prevails. We discuss the possibility that small departures between the observed and modeled flash are caused by local topographic features (mountains) along Plutos limb that block the stellar light. Finally, using two possible temperature profiles, and extrapolating our pressure profile from our deepest accessible level down to the surface, we obtain a possible range of 11.9-13.7~$mu$bar for the surface pressure.
Among the four known transneptunian dwarf planets, Haumea is an exotic, very elongated, and fast rotating body. In contrast to the other dwarf planets, its size, shape, albedo, and density are not well constrained. Here we report results of a multi-c hord stellar occultation, observed on 2017 January 21. Secondary events observed around the main body are consistent with the presence of a ring of opacity 0.5, width 70 km, and radius 2,287$_{-45}^{+75}$ km. The Centaur Chariklo was the first body other than a giant planet to show a ring system and the Centaur Chiron was later found to possess something similar to Chariklos rings. Haumea is the first body outside the Centaur population with a ring. The ring is coplanar with both Haumeas equator and the orbit of its satellite Hiiaka. Its radius places close to the 3:1 mean motion resonance with Haumeas spin period. The occultation by the main body provides an instantaneous elliptical limb with axes 1,704 $pm$ 4 km x 1,138 $pm$ 26 km. Combined with rotational light-curves, it constrains Haumeas 3D orientation and its triaxial shape, which is inconsistent with a homogeneous body in hydrostatic equilibrium. Haumeas largest axis is at least 2,322 $pm$ 60 km, larger than thought before. This implies an upper limit of 1,885 $pm$ 80 kg m$^{-3}$ for Haumeas density, smaller and less puzzling than previous estimations, and a geometric albedo of 0.51 $pm$ 0.02, also smaller than previous estimations. No global N$_2$ or CH$_4$ atmosphere with pressures larger than 15 and 50 nbar (3-$sigma$ limits), respectively, is detected.
104 - K. Arimatsu , K. Tsumura , F. Usui 2019
Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) are thought to be the remnant of the early solar system, and their size distribution provides an opportunity to explore the formation and evolution of the outer solar system. In particular, the size distribution of kilometr e-sized (radius = 1-10 km) KBO represents a signature of initial planetesimal sizes when planets form. These kilometre-sized KBOs are extremely faint, and it is impossible to detect them directly. Instead, monitoring of stellar occultation events is one possible way to discover these small KBOs. Hitherto, however, there has been no observational evidence for the occultation events by KBOs with radii of 1-10 km. Here we report the first detection of a single occultation event candidate by a KBO with a radius of $sim$1.3 km, which is simultaneously provided by two low-cost small telescopes coupled with commercial CMOS cameras. From this detection, we conclude that a surface number density of KBOs with radii exceeding $sim 1.2$ km is $sim 6 times 10^5 {rm deg^{-2}}$. This surface number density favours a theoretical size distribution model with an excess signature at a radius of 1-2 km. If this is a true detection, this implies that planetesimals before their runaway growth phase grow into kilometre-sized objects in the primordial outer solar system and remain as a major population of the present-day Kuiper belt.
A stellar occultation by the large trans-Neptunian object (90482) Orcus was predicted to occur on 2017 March 07. Observations were made at five sites in North and South America. High-speed, visible-wavelength images were taken at all sites, in additi on to simultaneous K-band images at one location. Solid-body occultations were observed from two sites. Post-event reconstruction suggested an occultation of two different stars observed from two different sites. Follow-up, speckle imaging at Gemini Observatory revealed a second star, which verified that the occulting body in both cases was Orcus` satellite, Vanth. The two single-chord detections, with an anomalously large timing delay in one chord, have lengths of 291+/-125 km and 434.4+/-2.4 km. The observations, combined with a non-detection at a nearby site, allow a tight constraint of 443+/-10 km to be placed on Vanth`s size (assuming it is spherical). A 3-{sigma} upper limit of 1-4 {mu}bar (depending on constituent) is found for a global Vanth atmosphere. The immersion and emersion profiles are slightly different, with atmospheric constraints 40 percent higher on immersion than on emersion. No rings or other material were detected within ten thousand kms of Vanth, and beyond 8010 km from Orcus, to the tightest optical depth limit of approximately 0.1 at 5 km scale. The occultation probed as close as 5040 km from Orcus, placing an optical depth limit of approximately 0.3 at 5 km scale on any encircling material at that distance.
170 - W. C. Fraser , M. E. Brown 2010
Here we report WFPC2 observations of the Quaoar-Weywot Kuiper belt binary. From these observations we find that Weywot is on an elliptical orbit with eccentricity of 0.14 {pm} 0.04, period of 12.438 {pm} 0.005 days, and a semi-major axis of 1.45 {pm} 0.08 {times} 104 km. The orbit reveals a surpsingly high Quaoar-Weywot system mass of 1.6{pm}0.3{times}10^21 kg. Using the surface properties of the Uranian and Neptunian satellites as a proxy for Quaoars surface, we reanalyze the size estimate from Brown and Trujillo (2004). We find, from a mean of available published size estimates, a diameter for Quaoar of 890 {pm} 70 km. We find Quaoars density to be rho = 4.2 {pm} 1.3 g cm^-3, possibly the highest density in the Kuiper belt.
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