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Accretion disc by Roche lobe overflow in the supergiant fast X-ray transient IGR J08408-4503

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 نشر من قبل Lorenzo Ducci
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs) are X-ray binary systems with a supergiant companion and likely a neutron star, which show a fast ($sim 10^3$ s) and high variability with a dynamic range up to $10^{5-6}$. Given their extreme properties, they are considered among the most valuable laboratories to test accretion models. Recently, the orbital parameters of a member of this class, IGR J08408-4503, were obtained from optical observations. We used this information, together with X-ray observations from previous publications and new results from X-ray and optical data collected by INTEGRAL and presented in this work, to study the accretion mechanisms at work in IGR J08408-4503. We found that the high eccentricity of the compact object orbit and the large size of the donor star imply Roche lobe overflow (RLO) around the periastron. It is also likely that a fraction of the outer layers of the photosphere of the donor star are lost from the Lagrangian point $L_2$ during the periastron passages. On the basis of these findings, we discuss the flaring variability of IGR J08408-4503 assuming the presence of an accretion disc. We point out that IGR J08408-4503 may not be the only SFXT with an accretion disc fueled by RLO. These findings open a new scenario for accretion mechanisms in SFXTs, since most of them have so far been based on the assumption of spherically symmetric accretion.

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اقرأ أيضاً

IGR J08408-4503 is a supergiant fast X-ray transient discovered in 2006 with a confirmed association with a O8.5Ib(f) supergiant star, HD 74194. We report on the analysis of two outbursts caught by Swift/BAT on 2006 October 4 and 2008 July 5, and fol lowed up at softer energies with Swift/XRT. The 2008 XRT light curve shows a multiple-peaked structure with an initial bright flare that reached a flux of ~1E-9 erg/cm2/s (2-10 keV), followed by two equally bright flares within 75 ks. The spectral characteristics of the flares differ dramatically, with most of the difference, as derived via time-resolved spectroscopy, being due to absorbing column variations. We observe a gradual decrease of the NH, derived with a fit using absorbed power law model, as time passes. We interpret these NH variations as due to an ionization effect produced by the first flare, resulting in a significant decrease in the measured column density towards the source. The durations of the flares, as well as the times of the outbursts suggest that the orbital period is ~35 days, if the flaring activity is interpreted within the framework of the Sidoli et al 2007 model with the outbursts triggered by the neutron star passage inside an equatorial wind inclined with respect to the orbital plane.
310 - P. Romano 2015
Supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs) are high mass X-ray binaries associated with OB supergiant companions and characterised by an X-ray flaring behaviour whose dynamical range reaches 5 orders of magnitude on timescales of a few hundred to thous ands of seconds. Current investigations concentrate on finding possible mechanisms to inhibit accretion in SFXTs and explain their unusually low average X-ray luminosity. We present the Swift observations of an exceptionally bright outburst displayed by the SFXT IGR J17544-2619 on 2014 October 10 when the source achieved a peak luminosity of $3times10^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$. This extends the total source dynamic range to $gtrsim$10$^6$, the largest (by a factor of 10) recorded so far from an SFXT. Tentative evidence for pulsations at a period of 11.6 s is also reported. We show that these observations challenge, for the first time, the maximum theoretical luminosity achievable by an SFXT and propose that this giant outburst was due to the formation of a transient accretion disc around the compact object.
83 - C. Ferrigno , E. Bozzo , A. Sanna 2019
IGR J17503-2636 is a hard X-ray transient discovered by INTEGRAL on 2018 August 11. This was the first ever reported X-ray emission from this source. Following the discovery, follow-up observations were carried out with Swift, Chandra, NICER, and NuS TAR. We report in this paper the analysis and results obtained from all these X-ray data. Based on the fast variability in the X-ray domain, the spectral energy distribution in the 0.5-80 keV energy range, and the reported association with a highly reddened OB supergiant at ~10 kpc, we conclude that IGR J17503-2636 is most likely a relatively faint new member of the supergiant fast X-ray transients. Spectral analysis of the NuSTAR data revealed a broad feature in addition to the typical power-law with exponential roll-over at high energy. This can be modeled either in emission or as a cyclotron scattering feature in absorption. If confirmed by future observations, this feature would indicate that IGR J17503-2636 hosts a strongly magnetized neutron star with B~2e12 G.
Timing analysis of the INTEGRAL-IBIS and Swift-BAT light curves of the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient (SFXT) IGR J16465-4507 has identified a period of 30.32+/-0.02 days which we interpret as the orbital period of the binary system. In addition 11 o utbursts (9 of which are previously unpublished) have been found between MJD 52652 to MJD 54764, all of which occur close to the region of the orbit we regard as periastron. From the reported flux outbursts, we found a dynamical range in the interval ~30-80. Although in this regard IGR J16465-4507 cannot be considered a classical SFXT for which typical dinamical ranges are >100, still our reported values are significantly greater than that of classical persistent variable supergiant HMXBs (<20), supporting the idea that IGRJ16465-4507 is an intermediate SFXT system, much like few other similar cases reported in the literature.
388 - D. J. Clark 2009
The supergiant fast X-ray transient (SFXT) system IGR J17544-2619 has displayed many large outbursts in the past and is considered an archetypal example of SFXTs. A search of the INTEGRAL/ISGRI data archive from MJD 52698-54354 has revealed 11 outbur sts and timing analysis of the light curve identifies a period of 4.926$pm$0.001 days which we interpret as the orbital period of the system. We find that large outbursts occasionally occur outside of periastron and place an upper limit for the radius of the supergiant of <23R$_{sun}$.
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