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Instantons from Blow-up

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 نشر من قبل Jaewon Song
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث
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We generalize Nakajima-Yoshioka blowup equations to arbitrary gauge group with hypermultiplets in arbitrary representations. Using our blowup equations, we compute the instanton partition functions for 4d N=2 and 5d N=1 gauge theories for arbitrary gauge theory with a large class of matter representations, without knowing explicit construction of the instanton moduli space. Our examples include exceptional gauge theories with fundamentals, SO(N) gauge theories with spinors, and SU(6) gauge theories with rank-3 antisymmetric hypers. Remarkably, the instanton partition function is completely determined by the perturbative part.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We consider N=4 theories on ALE spaces of $A_{k-1}$ type. As is well known, their partition functions coincide with $A_{k-1}$ affine characters. We show that these partition functions are equal to the generating functions of some peculiar classes of partitions which we introduce under the name orbifold partitions. These orbifold partitions turn out to be related to the generalized Frobenius partitions introduced by G. E. Andrews some years ago. We relate the orbifold partitions to the blended partitions and interpret explicitly in terms of a free fermion system.
182 - Thomas Faulkner , Hong Liu 2008
We show that open strings living on a D-brane which lies outside an AdS black hole can tunnel into the black hole through worldsheet instantons. These instantons have a simple interpretation in terms of thermal quarks in the dual Yang-Mills (YM) theo ry. As an application we calculate the width of a meson in a strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma which is described holographically as a massless mode on a D7 brane in AdS_5 times S_5. While the width of the meson is zero to all orders in the 1/sqrt{lambda} expansion with lambda the t Hooft coupling, it receives non-perturbative contributions in 1/sqrt{lambda} from worldsheet instantons. We find that the width increases quadratically with momentum at large momentum and comment on potential phenomenological implications of this enhancement for heavy ion collisions. We also comment on how this non-perturbative effect has important consequences for the phase structure of the YM theory obtained in the classical gravity limit.
99 - Martin OLoughlin 1996
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