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Jet fragmentation functions for $Z$-tagged jets

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 نشر من قبل Kyle Lee
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Recently the LHCb collaboration has measured both longitudinal and transverse momentum distribution of hadrons produced inside $Z$-tagged jets in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. These distributions are commonly referred to as jet fragmentation functions and are characterized by the longitudinal momentum fraction $z_h$ of the jet carried by the hadron and the transverse momentum $j_perp$ with respect to the jet direction. We derive a QCD formalism within Soft-Collinear Effective Theory to describe these distributions and find that the $z_h$-dependence provides information on standard collinear fragmentation functions, while $j_perp$-dependence probes transverse momentum dependent (TMD) fragmentation functions. We perform theoretical calculations and compare our results with the LHCb data. We find good agreement for the intermediate $z_h$ region. For $j_perp$-dependence, we suggest binning in both $z_h$ and $j_perp$, which would lead to a more direct probing of TMD fragmentation functions.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We develop the theoretical framework needed to study the distribution of hadrons with general polarization inside jets, with and without transverse momentum measured with respect to the standard jet axis. The key development in this paper, referred t o as polarized jet fragmentation functions, opens up new opportunities to study both collinear and transverse momentum dependent (TMD) fragmentation functions. As two examples of the developed framework, we study longitudinally polarized collinear $Lambda$ and transversely polarized TMD $Lambda$ production inside jets in both $pp$ and $ep$ collisions. We find that both observables have high potential in constraining spin-dependent fragmentation functions with sizeable asymmetries predicted, in particular, at the future Electron-Ion Collider.
We introduce a broad class of fractal jet observables that recursively probe the collective properties of hadrons produced in jet fragmentation. To describe these collinear-unsafe observables, we generalize the formalism of fragmentation functions, w hich are important objects in QCD for calculating cross sections involving identified final-state hadrons. Fragmentation functions are fundamentally nonperturbative, but have a calculable renormalization group evolution. Unlike ordinary fragmentation functions, generalized fragmentation functions exhibit nonlinear evolution, since fractal observables involve correlated subsets of hadrons within a jet. Some special cases of generalized fragmentation functions are reviewed, including jet charge and track functions. We then consider fractal jet observables that are based on hierarchical clustering trees, where the nonlinear evolution equations also exhibit tree-like structure at leading order. We develop a numeric code for performing this evolution and study its phenomenological implications. As an application, we present examples of fractal jet observables that are useful in discriminating quark jets from gluon jets.
We present a novel global QCD analysis of charged $D^{*}$-meson fragmentation functions at next-to-leading order accuracy. This is achieved by making use of the available data for single-inclusive $D^{*}$-meson production in electron-positron annihil ation, hadron-hadron collisions, and, for the first time, in-jet fragmentation in proton-proton scattering. It is shown how to include all relevant processes efficiently and without approximations within the Mellin moment technique, specifically for the in-jet fragmentation cross section. The presented technical framework is generic and can be straightforwardly applied to future analyses of fragmentation functions for other hadron species, as soon as more in-jet fragmentation data become available. We choose to work within the Zero Mass Variable Flavor Number Scheme which is applicable for sufficiently high energies and transverse momenta. The obtained optimum set of parton-to-$D^{*}$ fragmentation functions is accompanied by Hessian uncertainty sets which allow one to propagate hadronization uncertainties to other processes of interest.
179 - R.B. Neufeld , I. Vitev 2012
Tagged jet measurements provide a promising experimental channel to quantify the similarities and differences in the mechanisms of jet production in proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus collisions. We present the first calculation of the transverse mome ntum asymmetry of Z^0/gamma^*-tagged jet events in sqrt{s}=2.76$ TeV reactions at the LHC. Our results combine the O(G_Falpha_s^2) perturbative cross sections with the radiative and collisional processes that modify parton showers in the presence of dense QCD matter. We find that a strong asymmetry is generated in central lead-lead reactions that has little sensitivity to the fluctuations of the underlying soft hadronic background. We present theoretical model predictions for its shape and magnitude.
We report on the first extraction of interference fragmentation functions from the semi-inclusive production of two hadron pairs in back-to-back jets in e+e- annihilation. A nonzero asymmetry in the correlation of azimuthal orientations of opposite p i+pi- pairs is related to the transverse polarization of fragmenting quarks through a significant polarized dihadron fragmentation function. Extraction of the latter requires the knowledge of its unpolarized counterpart, the probability density for a quark to fragment in a pi+pi- pair. Since data for the unpolarized cross section are missing, we extract the unpolarized dihadron fragmentation function from a Monte Carlo simulation of the cross section.
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