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Finite-time ruin probabilities under large-claim reinsurance treaties for heavy-tailed claim sizes

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 نشر من قبل Bohan Chen
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the probability that an insurance portfolio gets ruined within a finite time period under the assumption that the r largest claims are (partly) reinsured. We show that for regularly varying claim sizes the probability of ruin after reinsurance is also regularly varying in terms of the initial capital, and derive an explicit asymptotic expression for the latter. We establish this result by leveraging recent developments on sample-path large deviations for heavy tails. Our results allow, on the asymptotic level, for an explicit comparison between two well-known large-claim reinsurance contracts, namely LCR and ECOMOR. We finally assess the accuracy of the resulting approximations using state-of-the-art rare event simulation techniques.

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Our work aims to study the tail behaviour of weighted sums of the form $sum_{i=1}^{infty} X_{i} prod_{j=1}^{i}Y_{j}$, where $(X_{i}, Y_{i})$ are independent and identically distributed, with common joint distribution bivariate Sarmanov. Such quantiti es naturally arise in financial risk models. Each $X_{i}$ has a regularly varying tail. With sufficient conditions similar to those used by Denisov and Zwart (2007) imposed on these two sequences, and with certain suitably summable bounds similar to those proposed by Hazra and Maulik (2012), we explore the tail distribution of the random variable $sup_{n geq 1}sum_{i=1}^{n} X_i prod_{j=1}^{i}Y_{j}$. The sufficient conditions used will relax the moment conditions on the ${Y_{i}}$ sequence.
318 - Zongxia Liang , Jicheng Yao 2010
This paper considers nonlinear regular-singular stochastic optimal control of large insurance company. The company controls the reinsurance rate and dividend payout process to maximize the expected present value of the dividend pay-outs until the tim e of bankruptcy. However, if the optimal dividend barrier is too low to be acceptable, it will make the company result in bankruptcy soon. Moreover, although risk and return should be highly correlated, over-risking is not a good recipe for high return, the supervisors of the company have to impose their preferred risk level and additional charge on firm seeking services beyond or lower than the preferred risk level. These indeed are nonlinear regular-singular stochastic optimal problems under ruin probability constraints. This paper aims at solving this kind of the optimal problems, that is, deriving the optimal retention ratio,dividend payout level, optimal return function and optimal control strategy of the insurance company. As a by-product, the paper also sets a risk-based capital standard to ensure the capital requirement of can cover the total given risk, and the effect of the risk level on optimal retention ratio, dividend payout level and optimal control strategy are also presented.
We consider the classical Cramer-Lundberg risk model with claim sizes that are mixtures of phase-type and subexponential variables. Exploiting a specific geometric compound representation, we propose control variate techniques to efficiently simulate the ruin probability in this situation. The resulting estimators perform well for both small and large initial capital. We quantify the variance reduction as well as the efficiency gain of our method over another fast standard technique based on the classical Pollaczek-Khinchine formula. We provide a numerical example to illustrate the performance, and show that for more time-consuming conditional Monte Carlo techniques, the new series representation also does not compare unfavorably to the one based on the Pollaczek- Khinchine formula.
This work describes the adaptation of a pretrained sequence-to-sequence model to the task of scientific claim verification in the biomedical domain. We propose VERT5ERINI that exploits T5 for abstract retrieval, sentence selection and label predictio n, which are three critical sub-tasks of claim verification. We evaluate our pipeline on SCIFACT, a newly curated dataset that requires models to not just predict the veracity of claims but also provide relevant sentences from a corpus of scientific literature that support this decision. Empirically, our pipeline outperforms a strong baseline in each of the three steps. Finally, we show VERT5ERINIs ability to generalize to two new datasets of COVID-19 claims using evidence from the ever-expanding CORD-19 corpus.
241 - Zbigniew Palmowski 2021
In this paper we give few expressions and asymptotics of ruin probabilities for a Markov modulated risk process for various regimes of a time horizon, initial reserves and a claim size distribution. We also consider f
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