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Control of spontaneous emission of qubits from weak to strong coupling

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 نشر من قبل Jiabin You
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Photon emission and absorption by an individual qubit are essential elements for the quantum manipulation of light. Here we demonstrate the controllability of spontaneous emission of a qubit in various electromagnetic environments. The parameter regimes that allow for exible control of the qubit emission routes are comprehensively discussed. By properly tuning the system couplings and decay rates, the spontaneous emission rate of the qubit can undergo Purcell enhancement and inhibition. Particularly, when the cavity is prepared in the excited state, the spontaneous emission rate of the qubit can be significantly suppressed. We also demonstrate a spectral filter effect which can be realised by controlling the steady-state emission spectra of qubits.

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133 - A. Laucht 2008
We report the design, fabrication and optical investigation of electrically tunable single quantum dot - photonic crystal defect nanocavities operating in both the weak and strong coupling regimes of the light matter interaction. Unlike previous stud ies where the dot-cavity spectral detuning was varied by changing the lattice temperature, or by the adsorption of inert-gases at low temperatures, we demonstrate that the quantum confined Stark effect can be employed to quickly and reversibly switch the dot-cavity coupling simply by varying a gate voltage. Our results show that exciton transitions from individual dots can be tuned by ~4 meV relative to the nanocavity mode before the emission quenches due to carrier tunneling escape. This range is much larger than the typical linewidth of the high-Q cavity modes (~0.10 meV) allowing us to explore and contrast regimes where the dots couple to the cavity or decay by spontaneous emission into the 2D photonic bandgap. In the weak coupling regime, we show that the dot spontaneous emission rate can be tuned using a gate voltage, with Purcell factors >=7. New information is obtained on the nature of the dot-cavity coupling in the weak coupling regime and electrical control of zero dimensional polaritons is demonstrated for the highest-Q cavities (Q>=12000). Vacuum Rabi splittings up to ~0.13 meV are observed, much larger than the linewidths of either the decoupled exciton or cavity mode. These observations represent a voltage switchable optical non-linearity at the single photon level, paving the way towards on-chip dot based nano-photonic devices that can be integrated with passive optical components.
Colour centres in diamond are promising candidates as a platform for quantum technologies and biomedical imaging based on spins and/or photons. Controlling the emission properties of colour centres in diamond is a key requirement for developing effic ient single photon sources with high collection efficiency. A number of groups have produced enhancement in the emission rate over narrow wavelength ranges by coupling single emitters in nanodiamond crystals to resonant electromagnetic structures. Here we characterise in detail the spontaneous emission rates of nitrogen-vacancy centres positioned in various locations on a structured substrate. We show an average factor of 1.5 enhancement of the total emission rate when nanodiamonds are on an opal photonic crystal surface, and observe changes in the lifetime distribution. We present a model to explain these observations and associate the lifetime properties with dipole orientation and polarization effects.
We study the entanglement generated by a weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity between two initial coherent states, one of which has an amplitude close to the single-photon level, while the other one is macroscopic. We show that strong micro-macro entanglemen t is possible for weak phase shifts by choosing the amplitude of the macroscopic beam sufficiently large. We analyze the effects of loss and discuss possible experimental demonstrations of the micro-macro entanglement based on homodyne tomography and on a new entanglement witness.
We study the degree of second-order coherence of the emission of a high-power multi-quantum well superluminescent diode with a lateral tapered amplifier section with and without feedback. When operated in an external cavity, the degree of second-orde r coherence changed from the almost thermal case of g$^{(2)}$(0)$approx$1.9 towards the mostly coherent case of g$^{(2)}$(0)$approx$1.2 when the injection current at the tapered section was increased. We found good agreement with semi-classical laser theory near and below threshold while above laser threshold a slightly higher g$^{(2)}$(0) was observed. As a free running device, the superluminescent diode yielded more than 400 mW of optical output power with good spatial beam quality of $M^2_{slow} < 1.6$. In this case, the DSOC dropped only slightly from 1.9 at low powers to 1.6 at the maximum output power. To our knowledge, this is the first investigation of a high-power tapered superluminescent diode concerning the degree of second-order coherence. Such a device might be useful for real-world applications probing the second order coherence function, such as ghost imaging.
We theoretically investigate and experimentally demonstrate a procedure for conditional control and enhancement of an interferometric coupling between two qubits encoded into states of bosonic particles. Our procedure combines local coupling of one o f the particles to an auxiliary mode and single-qubit quantum filtering. We experimentally verify the proposed procedure using a linear optical setup where qubits are encoded into quantum states of single photons and coupled at a beam splitter with a fixed transmittance. With our protocol, we implement a range of different effective transmittances, demonstrate both enhancement and reduction of the coupling strength, and observe dependence of two-photon bunching on the effective transmittance. To make our analysis complete, we also theoretically investigate a more general scheme where each particle is coupled to a separate auxiliary mode and show that this latter scheme enables to achieve higher implementation probability. We show that our approach can be extended also to other kinds of qubit-qubit interactions.
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