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Nonlinear wave interactions as a model for naturally enhanced ion-acoustic lines in the ionosphere

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 نشر من قبل Eduard P. Kontar
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Incoherent radar scatter from the ionosphere will, for equilibrium conditions, show two symmetric ion-acoustic lines, one for each direction of wave propagation. Many observation, from the EISCAT Svalbard Radar (ESR) for instance, demonstrate that the symmetry of this ion line can be broken, accompanied by an enhanced, nonthermal, level of fluctuations, i.e., Naturally Enhanced Ion-Acoustic Lines (NEIALs). Several models have been proposed for explaining these naturally enhanced lines. Here, we consider one of these, suggesting that decay of electron beam excited Langmuir waves gives rise to enhanced asymmetric ion lines in the ionosphere. We use a weak-turbulence approximation, and identify crucial parameters for Langmuir decay processes to be effective in generating the observed signals.

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89 - Q. S. Feng , C. Z. Xiao , Q. Wang 2016
The properties of the nonlinear frequency shift (NFS) especially the fluid NFS from the harmonic generation of the ion-acoustic wave (IAW) in multi-ion species plasmas have been researched by Vlasov simulation. The pictures of the nonlinear frequency shift from harmonic generation and particles trapping are shown to explain the mechanism of NFS qualitatively. The theoretical model of the fluid NFS from harmonic generation in multi-ion species plasmas is given and the results of Vlasov simulation are consistent to the theoretical result of multi-ion species plasmas. When the wave number $klambda_{De}$ is small, such as $klambda_{De}=0.1$, the fluid NFS dominates in the total NFS and will reach as large as nearly $15%$ when the wave amplitude $|ephi/T_e|sim0.1$, which indicates that in the condition of small $klambda_{De}$, the fluid NFS dominates in the saturation of stimulated Brillouin scattering especially when the nonlinear IAW amplitude is large.
Excitation of nonlinear ion acoustic wave (IAW) by an external electric field is demonstrated by Vlasov simulation. The frequency calculated by the dispersion relation with no damping is verified much closer to the resonance frequency of the small-am plitude nonlinear IAW than that calculated by the linear dispersion relation. When the wave number $ klambda_{De} $ increases, the linear Landau damping of the fast mode (its phase velocity is greater than any ions thermal velocity) increases obviously in the region of $ T_i/T_e < 0.2 $ in which the fast mode is weakly damped mode. As a result, the deviation between the frequency calculated by the linear dispersion relation and that by the dispersion relation with no damping becomes larger with $klambda_{De}$ increasing. When $klambda_{De}$ is not large, such as $klambda_{De}=0.1, 0.3, 0.5$, the nonlinear IAW can be excited by the driver with the linear frequency of the modes. However, when $klambda_{De}$ is large, such as $klambda_{De}=0.7$, the linear frequency can not be applied to exciting the nonlinear IAW, while the frequency calculated by the dispersion relation with no damping can be applied to exciting the nonlinear IAW.
The multi-species plasma of natural or laboratory origin is often considered to host nonlinear ion-acoustic waves. We present calculations of ion fluxes induced by nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in a plasma consisting of multiple ion populations, elect rons, and dust. The following plasma models are considered: an electron-ion plasma with cold ions, a bi-ion plasma with two types of warm positively charged ions, and a dusty bi-ion plasma. It is found that in the electron-ion plasma, the wave-induced ion flux is directed oppositely to the phase speed of the nonlinear ion-acoustic wave. In the bi-ion plasma, there are two modes of ion-acoustic waves which are fast and slow waves. In the nonlinear fast ion-acoustic wave, the fluxes of both types of ions are found to be co-directed and drift against the wave. In a slow wave, the nonlinear fluxes of ions are directed in opposite directions. This result demonstrates the possibility to use these nonlinear wave-induced ion fluxes for effective separation of ions in the plasma. In a dusty bi-ion plasma, the ion separation process can be intensified by a super-nonlinear regime of slow ion-acoustic waves.
Vlasiator is a new hybrid-Vlasov plasma simulation code aimed at simulating the entire magnetosphere of the Earth. The code treats ions (protons) kinetically through Vlasovs equation in the six-dimensional phase space while electrons are a massless c harge-neutralizing fluid [M. Palmroth et al., Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 99, 41 (2013); A. Sandroos et al., Parallel Computing 39, 306 (2013)]. For first global simulations of the magnetosphere, it is critical to verify and validate the model by established methods. Here, as part of the verification of Vlasiator, we characterize the low-$beta$ plasma wave modes described by this model and compare with the solution computed by the Waves in Homogeneous, Anisotropic Multicomponent Plasmas (WHAMP) code [K. Ronnmark, Kiruna Geophysical Institute Reports 179 (1982)], using dispersion curves and surfaces produced with both programs. The match between the two fundamentally different approaches is excellent in the low-frequency, long wavelength range which is of interest in global magnetospheric simulations. The left-hand and right-hand polarized wave modes as well as the Bernstein modes in the Vlasiator simulations agree well with the WHAMP solutions. Vlasiator allows a direct investigation of the importance of the Hall term by including it in or excluding it from Ohms law in simulations. This is illustrated showing examples of waves obtained using the ideal Ohms law and Ohms law including the Hall term. Our analysis emphasizes the role of the Hall term in Ohms law in obtaining wave modes departing from ideal magnetohydrodynamics in the hybrid-Vlasov model.
145 - J. Castro , P. McQuillen , 2010
We photoionize laser-cooled atoms with a laser beam possessing spatially periodic intensity modulations to create ultracold neutral plasmas with controlled density perturbations. Laser-induced fluorescence imaging reveals that the density perturbatio ns oscillate in space and time, and the dispersion relation of the oscillations matches that of ion acoustic waves, which are long-wavelength, electrostatic, density waves.
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