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Energy Scales of the Doped Anderson Lattice Model

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 نشر من قبل Hanhim Kang
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper explores the energy scales of the doped Anderson lattice model using dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT), using a continuous-time Quantum Monte Carlo (CTQMC) impurity solver. We show that the low temperature properties of the lattice can not be scaled using the single ion local Kondo temperature $T_K$ but instead are governed by a doping-dependent coherence temperature $T*$ which can be used to scale the temperature dependence of the spectral function, transport properties, and entropy. At half filling $T*$ closely approximates the single ion $T_K$, but as the filling $n_c$ is reduced to zero, $T*$ also vanishes. The coherence temperature $T*$ is shown to play a role of effective impurity Kondo temperature in the lattice model, and physical observables show significant evolution at $T*$. In the DMFT framework, we showed that the hybridization strength of the effective impurity model is qualitatively affected by the doping level, and determines $T*$ in the lattice model.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We derive the disorder vs. doping phase diagram of the doped Hubbard model via Dynamical Mean Field Theory combined with Typical Medium Theory, which allows the description of both Mott (correlation driven) and Anderson (disorder driven) metal-insula tor transitions. We observe a transition from a metal to an Anderson-Mott insulator for increasing disorder strength at all interactions. In the weak correlation regime and rather small doping, the Anderson-Mott insulator displays properties which are alike to the ones found at half-filling. In particular, this phase is characterized by the presence of empty sites. If we further increase either the doping or the correlation however, an Anderson-Mott phase of different kind arises for sharply weaker disorder strength. This phase occupies the largest part of the phase diagram in the strong correlation regime, and is characterized by the absence of the empty sites.
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