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Data-Driven Spectroscopy of Cool Stars at High Spectral Resolution

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 نشر من قبل Aida Behmard
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The advent of large-scale spectroscopic surveys underscores the need to develop robust techniques for determining stellar properties (labels, i.e., physical parameters and elemental abundances). However, traditional spectroscopic methods that utilize stellar models struggle to reproduce cool ($<$4700 K) stellar atmospheres due to an abundance of unconstrained molecular transitions, making modeling via synthetic spectral libraries difficult. Because small, cool stars such as K and M dwarfs are both common and good targets for finding small, cool planets, establishing precise spectral modeling techniques for these stars is of high priority. To address this, we apply The Cannon, a data-driven method of determining stellar labels, to Keck High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer (HIRES) spectra of 141 cool ($<$5200 K) stars from the California Planet Search. Our implementation is capable of predicting labels for small ($<$1 $R_{odot}$) stars of spectral types K and later with accuracies of 68 K in effective temperature ($T_{eff}$), 5% in stellar radius ($R_{*}$), and 0.08 dex in bulk metallicity ([Fe/H]), and maintains this performance at low spectral resolutions ($R$ $<$ 5000). As M-dwarfs are the focus of many future planet-detection surveys, this work can aid efforts to better characterize the cool star population and uncover correlations between cool star abundances and planet occurrence for constraining planet formation theories.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

68 - Andrea Dupree 2018
We present results from a near infrared survey of the He I line (10830 Angstrom) in cool dwarf stars taken with the PHOENIX spectrograph at the 4-m Mayall telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory. Spectral synthesis of this region reproduces some but not all atomic and molecular features. The equivalent width of the He line appears directly correlated with the soft X-ray stellar surface flux except among the coolest M dwarf stars, where the helium is surprisingly weak.
[Abridged] Recently, there have been a series of detections of molecules in the atmospheres of extrasolar planets using high spectral resolution (R~100,000) observations, mostly using the CRyogenic high-resolution InfraRed Echelle Spectrograph (CRIRE S) on the Very Large Telescope. These measurements are able to resolve molecular bands into individual absorption lines. Observing many lines simultaneously as their Doppler shift changes with time allows the detection of specific molecules in the atmosphere of the exoplanet. We performed simulations of high-resolution CRIRES observations of a planets thermal emission and transit between 1-5 micron and performed a cross-correlation analysis on these results to assess how well the planet signal can be extracted. We also simulated day-side and night-side spectra at high spectral resolution for planets with and without a day-side temperature inversion, based on the cases of HD 189733b and HD 209458b. Several small wavelength regions in the L-band promise to yield cross-correlation signals from the thermal emission of hot Jupiters that can exceed those of the current detections by up to a factor of 2-3 for the same integration time. For transit observations, the H-band is also attractive, with the H, K, and L-band giving cross-correlation signals of similar strength. High-resolution night-side spectra of hot Jupiters can give cross-correlation signals as high as the day-side, or even higher. We show that there are many new possibilities for high-resolution observations of exoplanet atmospheres that have expected planet signals at least as high as those already detected. Hence, high-resolution observations at well-chosen wavelengths and at different phases can improve our knowledge about hot Jupiter atmospheres significantly, already with currently available instrumentation.
Recently, we presented the detection of carbon monoxide in the transmission spectrum of extrasolar planet HD209458b, using CRIRES, the Cryogenic high-resolution Infrared Echelle Spectrograph at ESOs Very Large Telescope (VLT). The high spectral resol ution observations (R=100,000) provide a wealth of information on the planets orbit, mass, composition, and even on its atmospheric dynamics. The new observational strategy and data analysis techniques open up a whole world of opportunities. We therefore started an ESO large program using CRIRES to explore these, targeting both transiting and non-transiting planets in carbon monoxide, water vapour, and methane. Observations of the latter molecule will also serve as a test-bed for METIS, the proposed mid-infrared imager and spectrograph for the European Extremely Large Telescope.
We summarize some of the compelling new scientific opportunities for understanding stars and stellar systems that can be enabled by sub-milliarcsec (sub-mas) angular resolution, UV-Optical spectral imaging observations, which can reveal the details o f the many dynamic processes (e.g., evolving magnetic fields, accretion, convection, shocks, pulsations, winds, and jets) that affect stellar formation, structure, and evolution. These observations can only be provided by long-baseline interferometers or sparse aperture telescopes in space, since the aperture diameters required are in excess of 500 m (a regime in which monolithic or segmented designs are not and will not be feasible) and since they require observations at wavelengths (UV) not accessible from the ground. Such observational capabilities would enable tremendous gains in our understanding of the individual stars and stellar systems that are the building blocks of our Universe and which serve as the hosts for life throughout the Cosmos.
154 - Katia Cunha 2007
We present chemical abundances in a sample of luminous cool stars located within 30 pc of the Galactic Center. Abundances of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, calcium, and iron were derived from high-resolution infrared spectra in the H- and K-bands. The abu ndance results indicate that both [O/Fe] and [Ca/Fe] are enhanced respectively by averages of +0.2 and +0.3 dex, relative to either the Sun or the Milky Way disk at near solar Fe abundances. The Galactic Center stars show a nearly uniform and nearly solar iron abundance. The mean value of A(Fe) = 7.59 +- 0.06 agrees well with previous work. The total range in Fe abundance among Galactic Center stars, 0.16 dex, is significantly narrower than the iron abundance distributions found in the literature for the older bulge population. Our snapshot of the current-day Fe abundance within 30 pc of the Galactic Center samples stars with an age less than 1 Gyr; a larger sample in time (or space) may find a wider spread in abundances.
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