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Adaptive wavefront correction of dynamic multimode beam based on modal decomposition

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 نشر من قبل Kun Xie
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We propose and demonstrate a method for the adaptive wavefront correction of dynamic multimode fiber beams for the first time. The wavefront of incident beam is reconstructed in real-time based on the complete modal information, which obtained by using the modal decomposition of correlation filter method. For the proof of principle, both of the modal decomposition and the wavefront correction are implemented using the same computer-generated hologram, which encoded into a phase-only spatial light modulator. We demonstrate the wavefront correction of dynamic multimode beam at a rate of 5Hz and achieve a 1.73-fold improvement on the average power-in-the-bucket. The experimental results indicate the feasibility of the real-time wavefront correction for the large mode area fiber laser by adaptive optics.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We report experimental results, showing that the Kerr beam self-cleaning of many low-order modes in a graded-index multimode fiber can be controlled thanks to optimized wavefront shaping of the coherent excitation beam. Adaptive profiling of the tran sverse input phase was utilized for channeling the launched power towards a specific low-order fiber mode, by exploiting nonlinear coupling among all guided modes. Experiments were carried out with 7 ps pulses at 1064 nm injected in a five meters long multimode fiber operating in the normal dispersion regime. Optimized Kerr beam self-cleaning of five different LP modes is reported, with a power threshold that increases with the mode order.
A full (2$pi$) phase modulation is critical for efficient wavefront manipulation. In this article, a metasurface based on graphene long/short-strip resonators is used to implement a dynamic 2$pi$ phase modulation by applying different voltages to dif ferent graphene resonators. The configuration is found to have high reflection efficiency (minimum 56%) and has a full phase modulation in a wide frequency range. Terahertz (THz) beam steering as large as 120 degrees ($pm60^circ$) is demonstrated in a broad frequency range (1.2 to 1.9 THz) by changing the Fermi levels of different graphene resonators accordingly. This metasurface can provide a new platform for effectively manipulating THz waves.
In this work, a numerical modal decomposition approach is applied to model the optical field of laser light after propagating through a highly multi-mode fiber. The algorithm for the decomposition is based on the reconstruction of measured intensity profiles along the laser beam caustic with consideration of intermodal degrees of coherence derived from spectral analysis. To enhance the accuracy of the model, different approaches and strategies are applied and discussed. The presented decomposition into a set of LP modes enables both the wave-optical simulation of radiation transport by highly multi-mode fibers and, additionally, the analysis of free-space propagation with arbitrarily modified complex amplitude distributions.
355 - Hanshin Lee 2014
The shape of a focus-modulated point spread function (PSF) is used as a quick visual assessment tool of aberration modes in the PSF. Further analysis in terms of shape moments can permit quantifying the modal coefficients with an accuracy comparable to that of typical wavefront sensors. In this letter, the error of the moment-based wavefront sensing is analytically described in terms of the pixelation and photon/readout noise. All components highly depend on the (unknown) PSF shape, but can be estimated from the measured PSF sampled at a reasonable spatial resolution and photon count. Numerical simulations verified that the models consistently predicted the behavior of the modal estimation error of the moment-based wavefront sensing.
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