ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
Precision flavour observables play an important role in the interpretation of results at the LHC in terms of models of new physics. We present the result for the one-loop Z penguin in generic extensions of the standard model which exhibit exact perturbative unitarity. We use Slavnov-Taylor identities to study the implications of unitarity on the renormalisation of the Z penguin, and derive a manifestly finite result that depends on a reduced set of physical couplings.
The Supersymmetric Standard Model is a benchmark theoretical framework for particle physics, yet it suffers from a number of deficiencies, chief among which is the strong CP problem. Solving this with an axion in the context of selected new particles
The question of whether classically conformal modifications of the standard model are consistent with experimental obervations has recently been subject to renewed interest. The method of Gildener and Weinberg provides a natural framework for the stu
In any gauge extension of the standard model (SM) of quarks and leptons, there is a minimal set of fermion and scalar multiplets which encompasses all the particles and interactions of the SM. Included within this set, there may be a suitable dark-ma
We summarize the results of the extended gauge group working group of the Madison-Argonne Workshop on Present and Future Colliders. Contributions are described on the previously unexamined two photon fusion production of heavy leptons, new studies of
In this talk we will describe the problems that one encounters when one tries to connect string theory with particle phenomenology. Then, in order to have chiral matter describing quarks and leptons, we introduce the magnetized D branes. Finally, as