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Gridless particle technique for the Vlasov Poisson system in problems with high degree of symmetry

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 نشر من قبل Benedetta Peiretti Paradisi
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In the paper, gridless particle techniques are presented in order to solve problems involving electrostatic, collisionless plasmas. The method makes use of computational particles having the shape of spherical shells or of rings, and can be used to study cases in which the plasma has spherical or axial symmetry, respectively. As a computational grid is absent, the technique is particularly suitable when the plasma occupies a rapidly changing space region.

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We introduce a deterministic discrete-particle simulation approach, the Linearly-Transformed Particle-In-Cell (LTPIC) method, that employs linear deformations of the particles to reduce the noise traditionally associated with particle schemes. Formal ly, transforming the particles is justified by local first order expansions of the characteristic flow in phase space. In practice the method amounts to using deformation matrices within the particle shape functions; these matrices are updated via local evaluations of the forward numerical flow. Because it is necessary to periodically remap the particles on a regular grid to avoid excessively deforming their shapes, the method can be seen as a development of Denavits Forward Semi-Lagrangian (FSL) scheme [J. Denavit, J. Comp. Physics 9, 75 (1972)]. However, it has recently been established [M. Campos Pinto, Smooth particle methods without smoothing, arXiv:1112.1859 (2012)] that the underlying Linearly-Transformed Particle scheme converges for abstract transport problems, with no need to remap the particles; deforming the particles can thus be seen as a way to significantly lower the remapping frequency needed in the FSL schemes, and hence the associated numerical diffusion. To couple the method with electrostatic field solvers, two specific charge deposition schemes are examined, and their performance compared with that of the standard deposition method. Finally, numerical 1d1v simulations involving benchmark test cases and halo formation in an initially mismatched thermal sheet beam demonstrate some advantages of our LTPIC scheme over the classical PIC and FSL methods. Benchmarked test cases also indicate that, for numerical choices involving similar computational effort, the LTPIC method is capable of accuracy comparable to or exceeding that of state-of-the-art, high-resolution Vlasov schemes.
166 - J. T. Parker , P. J. Dellar 2014
We study Landau damping in the 1+1D Vlasov-Poisson system using a Fourier-Hermite spectral representation. We describe the propagation of free energy in phase space using forwards and backwards propagating Hermite modes recently developed for gyrokin etics [Schekochihin et al. (2014)]. The change in the electric field corresponds to the net Hermite flux via a free energy evolution equation. In linear Landau damping, decay in the electric field corresponds to forward propagating Hermite modes; in nonlinear damping, the initial decay is followed by a growth phase characterised by the generation of backwards propagating Hermite modes by the nonlinear term. The free energy content of the backwards propagating modes increases exponentially until balancing that of the forward propagating modes. Thereafter there is no systematic net Hermite flux, so the electric field cannot decay and the nonlinearity effectively suppresses Landau damping. These simulations are performed using the fully-spectral 5D gyrokinetics code SpectroGK [Parker et al. 2014], modified to solve the 1+1D Vlasov-Poisson system. This captures Landau damping via an iterated Lenard-Bernstein collision operator or via Hou-Li filtering in velocity space. Therefore the code is applicable even in regimes where phase-mixing and filamentation are dominant.
105 - C. S. Ng 2019
Electrostatic structures have been observed in many regions of space plasmas, including the solar wind, the magnetosphere, the auroral acceleration region. One possible theoretical description of some of these structures is the concept of Bernstein-G reene-Kruskal (BGK) modes, which are exact nonlinear steady-state solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system of equations in collisionless kinetic theory. We generalize exact solutions of two-dimensional BGK modes in a magnetized plasma with finite magnetic field strength [Ng, Bhattacharjee, and Skiff, Phys. Plasmas {bf13}, 055903 (2006)] to cases with azimuthal magnetic fields so that these structures carry electric current as well as steady electric and magnetic fields. Such nonlinear solutions now satisfy exactly the Vlasov-Poisson-Amp`{e}re system of equations. Explicit examples with either positive or negative electric potential structure are provided.
We construct (modified) scattering operators for the Vlasov-Poisson system in three dimensions, mapping small asymptotic dynamics as $tto -infty$ to asymptotic dynamics as $tto +infty$. The main novelty is the construction of modified wave operators, but we also obtain a new simple proof of modified scattering. Our analysis is guided by the Hamiltonian structure of the Vlasov-Poisson system. Via a pseudo-conformal inversion we recast the question of asymptotic behavior in terms of local in time dynamics of a new equation with singular coefficients which is approximately integrated using a generating function.
Many problems encountered in plasma physics require a description by kinetic equations, which are posed in an up to six-dimensional phase space. A direct discretization of this phase space, often called the Eulerian approach, has many advantages but is extremely expensive from a computational point of view. In the present paper we propose a dynamical low-rank approximation to the Vlasov--Poisson equation, with time integration by a particular splitting method. This approximation is derived by constraining the dynamics to a manifold of low-rank functions via a tangent space projection and by splitting this projection into the subprojections from which it is built. This reduces a time step for the six- (or four-) dimensional Vlasov--Poisson equation to solving two systems of three- (or two-) dimensional advection equations over the time step, once in the position variables and once in the velocity variables, where the size of each system of advection equations is equal to the chosen rank. By a hierarchical dynamical low-rank approximation, a time step for the Vlasov--Poisson equation can be further reduced to a set of six (or four) systems of one-dimensional advection equations, where the size of each system of advection equations is still equal to the rank. The resulting systems of advection equations can then be solved by standard techniques such as semi-Lagrangian or spectral methods. Numerical simulations in two and four dimensions for linear Landau damping, for a two-stream instability and for a plasma echo problem highlight the favorable behavior of this numerical method and show that the proposed algorithm is able to drastically reduce the required computational effort.
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