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First observation of unbound $^{11}$O, the mirror of the halo nucleus $^{11}$Li

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 نشر من قبل Robert Charity
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The structure of the extremely proton-rich nucleus $^{11}_{~8}$O$_3$, the mirror of the two-neutron halo nucleus $^{11}_{~3}$Li$_8$, has been studied experimentally for the first time. Following two-neutron knockout reactions with a $^{13}$O beam, the $^{11}$O decay products were detected after two-proton emission and used to construct an invariant-mass spectrum. A broad peak of width $sim$3,MeV was observed. Within the Gamow coupled-channel approach, it was concluded that this peak is a multiplet with contributions from the four-lowest $^{11}$O resonant states: $J^{pi}$=3/2$^-_1$, 3/2$^-_2$, 5/2$^+_1$, and 5/2$^+_2$. The widths and configurations of these states show strong, non-monotonic dependencies on the depth of the $p$-$^9$C potential. This unusual behavior is due to the presence of a broad threshold resonant state in $^{10}$N, which is an analog of the virtual state in $^{10}$Li in the presence of the Coulomb potential. After optimizing the model to the data, only a moderate isospin asymmetry between ground states of $^{11}$O and $^{11}$Li was found.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We argue that conclusions of [PRL 123, 082501 (2019)] are incorrect. The authors present the direct observation of beta-delayed proton emission in the beta decay of 11Be. From the determined branching ratio for this process and from the energy spectr um of emitted protons the existence of a so far unobserved narrow resonance in 11Be was deduced. The given beta strength for the transition to this state is however wrong. In addition, we show that the combination of peak position and branching ratio is in strong disagreement with models considered by the authors. Furthermore, we identify several deficiencies in the analysis, and we provide possible sources of background, that could explain the error.
The neutron-rich $^{11}$Li halo nucleus is unique among nuclei with known separation energies by its ability to emit a proton and a neutron in a $beta$ decay process. The branching ratio towards this rare decay mode is evaluated within a three-body m odel for the initial bound state and with Coulomb three-body final scattering states. The branching ratio should be comprised between two extreme cases, i.e. a lower bound $6 times 10^{-12}$ obtained with a pure Coulomb wave and an upper bound $5 times 10^{-10}$ obtained with a plane wave. A simple model with modified Coulomb waves provides plausible values between between $0.8 times 10^{-10}$ and $2.2 times 10^{-10}$ with most probable total energies of the proton and neutron between 0.15 and 0.3 MeV.
134 - Y. Kubota , A. Corsi , G. Authelet 2020
The formation of a dineutron in the nucleus $^{11}$Li is found to be localized to the surface region. The experiment measured the intrinsic momentum of the struck neutron in $^{11}$Li via the $(p,pn)$ knockout reaction at 246 MeV/nucleon. The correla tion angle between the two neutrons is, for the first time, measured as a function of the intrinsic neutron momentum. A comparison with reaction calculations reveals the localization of the dineutron at $rsim3.6$ fm. The results also support the density dependence of dineutron formation as deduced from Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations for nuclear matter.
The best examples of halo nuclei, exotic systems with a diffuse nuclear cloud surrounding a tightly-bound core, are found in the light, neutron-rich region, where the halo neutrons experience only weak binding and a weak, or no, potential barrier. Mo dern direct reaction measurement techniques provide powerful probes of the structure of exotic nuclei. Despite more than four decades of these studies on the benchmark one-neutron halo nucleus Be-11, the spectroscopic factors for the two bound states remain poorly constrained. In the present work, the Be-10(d,p) reaction has been used in inverse kinematics at four beam energies to study the structure of Be-11. The spectroscopic factors extracted using the adiabatic model, were found to be consistent across the four measurements, and were largely insensitive to the optical potential used. The extracted spectroscopic factor for a neutron in a nlj = 2s1/2 state coupled to the ground state of Be-10 is 0.71(5). For the first excited state at 0.32 MeV, a spectroscopic factor of 0.62(4) is found for the halo neutron in a 1p1/2 state.
Coincidences between charged particles emitted in the $beta$-decay of $^{11}$Li were observed using highly segmented detectors. The breakup channels involving three particles were studied in full kinematics allowing for the reconstruction of the exci tation energy of the $^{11}$Be states participating in the decay. In particular, the contribution of a previously unobserved state at 16.3 MeV in $^{11}$Be has been identified selecting the $alpha$ + $^7$He$toalpha$ + $^6$He+n channel. The angular correlations between the $alpha$ particle and the center of mass of the $^6$He+n system favors spin and parity assignment of 3/2$^-$ for this state as well as for the previously known state at 18 MeV.
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