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Hyperbolic groups that are not commensurably coHopfian

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 نشر من قبل Emily Stark
 تاريخ النشر 2018
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Sela proved every torsion-free one-ended hyperbolic group is coHopfian. We prove that there exist torsion-free one-ended hyperbolic groups that are not commensurably coHopfian. In particular, we show that the fundamental group of every simple surface amalgam is not commensurably coHopfian.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We examine residual properties of word-hyperbolic groups, adapting a method introduced by Darren Long to study the residual properties of Kleinian groups.
135 - D. Kotschick , C. Loeh 2010
In this paper we study obstructions to presentability by products for finitely generated groups. Along the way we develop both the concept of acentral subgroups, and the relations between presentability by products on the one hand, and certain geomet ric and measure or orbit equivalence invariants of groups on the other. This leads to many new examples of groups not presentable by products, including all groups with infinitely many ends, the (outer) automorphism groups of free groups, Thompsons groups, and even some elementary amenable groups.
We show that Out(G) is residually finite if G is a one-ended group that is hyperbolic relative to virtually polycyclic subgroups. More generally, if G is one-ended and hyperbolic relative to proper residually finite subgroups, the group of outer auto morphisms preserving the peripheral structure is residually finite. We also show that Out(G) is virtually p-residually finite for every prime p if G is one-ended and toral relatively hyperbolic, or infinitely-ended and virtually p-residually finite.
108 - Matthew Cordes , David Hume 2016
We build quasi--isometry invariants of relatively hyperbolic groups which detect the hyperbolic parts of the group; these are variations of the stable dimension constructions previously introduced by the authors. We prove that, given any finite col lection of finitely generated groups $mathcal{H}$ each of which either has finite stable dimension or is non-relatively hyperbolic, there exist infinitely many quasi--isometry types of one--ended groups which are hyperbolic relative to $mathcal{H}$. The groups are constructed using small cancellation theory over free products.
221 - Nir Lazarovich 2021
We prove that for a one-ended hyperbolic graph $X$, the size of the quotient $X/G$ by a group $G$ acting freely and cocompactly bounds from below the number of simplices in an Eilenberg-MacLane space for $G$. We apply this theorem to show that one-en ded hyperbolic cubulated groups (or more generally, one-ended hyperbolic groups with globally stable cylinders `a la Rips-Sela) cannot contain isomorphic finite-index subgroups of different indices.
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