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Some exotic nontrivial elements of the rational homotopy groups of $mathrm{Diff}(S^4)$

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 نشر من قبل Tadayuki Watanabe
 تاريخ النشر 2018
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This paper studies the rational homotopy groups of the group $mathrm{Diff}(S^4)$ of self-diffeomorphisms of $S^4$ with the $C^infty$-topology. We present a method to prove that there are many `exotic non-trivial elements in $pi_*mathrm{Diff}(S^4)otimes mathbb{Q}$ parametrized by trivalent graphs. As a corollary of the main result, the 4-dimensional Smale conjecture is disproved. The proof utilizes Kontsevichs characteristic classes for smooth disk bundles and a version of clasper surgery for families. In fact, these are analogues of Chern--Simons perturbation theory in 3-dimension and clasper theory due to Goussarov and Habiro.

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اقرأ أيضاً

152 - Tadayuki Watanabe 2021
In this addendum, we give a differential form interpretation of the proof of the main theorem of arXiv:1812.02448, which gives lower bounds of the dimensions of $pi_k(Bmathrm{Diff}(D^4,partial))otimesmathbb{Q}$ in terms of the dimensions of Kontsevic hs graph homology, and explain why it can be extended to arbitrary even dimensions $dgeq 4$. We attempted to make the proof accessible to more readers. Thus we do not assume familiarity with configuration space integrals nor knowledge of finite type invariants. Part of this addendum might be joined to the original article when it will be re-submitted to the journal. This is not aimed at giving a correction to the previous version.
We show that the homotopy type of a finite oriented Poincar{e} 4-complex is determined by its quadratic 2-type provided its fundamental group is finite and has a dihedral Sylow 2-subgroup. By combining with results of Hambleton-Kreck and Bauer, this applies in the case of smooth oriented 4-manifolds whose fundamental group is a finite subgroup of SO(3). An important class of examples are elliptic surfaces with finite fundamental group.
170 - Tadayuki Watanabe 2020
In this article, we construct countably many mutually non-isotopic diffeomorphisms of some closed non simply-connected 4-manifolds that are homotopic to but not isotopic to the identity, by surgery along $Theta$-graphs. As corollaries of this, we obt ain some new results on codimension 1 embeddings and pseudo-isotopies of 4-manifolds. In the proof of the non-triviality of the diffeomorphisms, we utilize a twisted analogue of Kontsevichs characteristic class for smooth bundles, which is obtained by extending a higher dimensional analogue of March{e}--Lescops equivariant triple intersection in configuration spaces of 3-manifolds to allow Lie algebraic local coefficient system.
This is a collection of notes on embedding problems for 3-manifolds. The main question explored is `which 3-manifolds embed smoothly in the 4-sphere? The terrain of exploration is the Burton/Martelli/Matveev/Petronio census of triangulated prime clos ed 3-manifolds built from 11 or less tetrahedra. There are 13766 manifolds in the census, of which 13400 are orientable. Of the 13400 orientable manifolds, only 149 of them have hyperbolic torsion linking forms and are thus candidates for embedability in the 4-sphere. The majority of this paper is devoted to the embedding problem for these 149 manifolds. At present 41 are known to embed. Among the remaining manifolds, embeddings into homotopy 4-spheres are constructed for 4. 67 manifolds are known to not embed in the 4-sphere. This leaves 37 unresolved cases, of which only 3 are geometric manifolds i.e. having a trivial JSJ-decomposition.
218 - Anton Dochtermann 2008
The notion of $times$-homotopy from cite{DocHom} is investigated in the context of the category of pointed graphs. The main result is a long exact sequence that relates the higher homotopy groups of the space $Hom_*(G,H)$ with the homotopy groups of $Hom_*(G,H^I)$. Here $Hom_*(G,H)$ is a space which parametrizes pointed graph maps from $G$ to $H$ (a pointed version of the usual $Hom$ complex), and $H^I$ is the graph of based paths in $H$. As a corollary it is shown that $pi_i big(Hom_*(G,H) big) cong [G,Omega^i H]_{times}$, where $Omega H$ is the graph of based closed paths in $H$ and $[G,K]_{times}$ is the set of $times$-homotopy classes of pointed graph maps from $G$ to $K$. This is similar in spirit to the results of cite{BBLL}, where the authors seek a space whose homotopy groups encode a similarly defined homotopy theory for graphs. The categorical connections to those constructions are discussed.
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