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Reduced Lagrangians and analytic solutions in Einstein-ae ther Cosmology

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 نشر من قبل Theodosios Christodoulakis
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present the solution space of the field equations in the Einstein-ae ther theory for the case of a $FLRW$ and a LRS Bianchi Type $III$ space-time. We also find that there are portions of the initial parameters space for which no solution is admitted by the reduced equations. The reduced Lagrangians deduced from the full action are, in general, correctly describing the dynamics whenever solutions do exist

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اقرأ أيضاً

We investigate Kantowski-Sachs models in Einstein-{ae}ther theory with a perfect fluid source using the singularity analysis to prove the integrability of the field equations and dynamical system tools to study the evolution. We find an inflationary source at early times, and an inflationary sink at late times, for a wide region in the parameter space. The results by A. A. Coley, G. Leon, P. Sandin and J. Latta (JCAP 12, 010, 2015), are then re-obtained as particular cases. Additionally, we select other values for the non-GR parameters which are consistent with current constraints, getting a very rich phenomenology. In particular, we find solutions with infinite shear, zero curvature, and infinite matter energy density in comparison with the Hubble scalar. We also have stiff-like future attractors, anisotropic late-time attractors, or both, in some special cases. Such results are developed analytically, and then verified by numerics. Finally, the physical interpretation of the new critical points is discussed.
In this work, we discuss the polarization contents of Einstein-ae ther theory and the generalized tensor-vector-scalar (TeVeS) theory, as both theories have a normalized timelike vector field. We derive the linearized equations of motion around the f lat spacetime background using the gauge-invariant variables to easily separate physical degrees of freedom. We find the plane wave solutions are then found, and identify the polarizations by examining the geodesic deviation equations. We find that there are five polarizations in Einstein-ae ther theory and six polarizations in the generalized TeVeS theory. In particular, the transverse breathing mode is mixed with the pure longitudinal mode. We also discuss the experimental tests of the extra polarizations in Einstein-ae ther theory using pulsar timing arrays combined with the gravitational-wave speed bound derived from the observations on GW 170817 and GRB 170817A. It turns out that it might be difficult to use pulsar timing arrays to distinguish different polarizations in Einstein-ae ther theory. The same speed bound also forces one of the propagating modes in the generalized TeVeS theory to travel much faster than the speed of light. Since the strong coupling problem does not exist in some parameter subspaces, the generalized TeVeS theory is excluded in these parameter subspaces.
The timing of millisecond pulsars has long been used as an exquisitely precise tool for testing the building blocks of general relativity, including the strong equivalence principle and Lorentz symmetry. Observations of binary systems involving at le ast one millisecond pulsar have been used to place bounds on the parameters of Einstein-{ae}ther theory, a gravitational theory that violates Lorentz symmetry at low energies via a preferred and dynamical time threading of the spacetime manifold. However, these studies did not cover the region of parameter space that is still viable after the recent bounds on the speed of gravitational waves from GW170817/GRB170817A. The restricted coverage was due to limitations in the methods used to compute the pulsar sensitivities, which parameterize violations of the strong-equivalence principle in these systems. We extend here the calculation of pulsar sensitivities to the parameter space of Einstein-{ae}ther theory that remains viable after GW170817/GRB170817A. We show that observations of the damping of the period of quasi-circular binary pulsars and of the triple system PSR J0337+1715 further constrain the viable parameter space by about an order of magnitude over previous constraints.
403 - L. G. Medeiros 2012
In this paper one examine analytical solutions for flat and non-flat universes composed by four components namely hot matter (ultra-relativistic), warm matter (relativistic), cold matter (non-relativistic) and cosmological constant. The warm matter i s treated as a reduced relativistic gas and the other three components are treated in the usual way. The solutions achieved contains one, two or three components of which one component is of warm matter type. A solution involving all the four components was not found.
76 - Valerio Faraoni , Sonia Jose , 2021
We review analytical solutions of the Einstein equations which are expressed in terms of elementary functions and describe Friedmann-Lema^itre-Robertson-Walker universes sourced by multiple (real or effective) perfect fluids with constant equations o f state. Effective fluids include spatial curvature, the cosmological constant, and scalar fields. We provide a description with unified notation, explicit and parametric forms of the solutions, and relations between different expressions present in the literature. Interesting solutions from a modern point of view include interacting fluids and scalar fields. Old solutions, integrability conditions, and solution methods keep being rediscovered, which motivates a review with modern eyes.
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