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A spectral universality theorem for Maass $L$-functions

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 نشر من قبل Giacomo Cherubini
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
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We show that for a positive proportion of Laplace eigenvalues $lambda_j$ the associated Hecke-Maass $L$-functions $L(s,u_j)$ approximate with arbitrary precision any target function $f(s)$ on a closed disc with center in $3/4$ and radius $r<1/4$. The main ingredients in the proof are the spectral large sieve of Deshouillers-Iwaniec and Sarnaks equidistribution theorem for Hecke eigenvalues.

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اقرأ أيضاً

109 - Olga Balkanova 2019
We prove an asymptotic formula for the twisted first moment of Maass form symmetric square L-functions on the critical line and at the critical point. The error term is estimated uniformly with respect to all parameters.
In this paper, we consider the family ${L_j(s)}_{j=1}^{infty}$ of $L$-functions associated to an orthonormal basis ${u_j}_{j=1}^{infty}$ of even Hecke-Maass forms for the modular group $SL(2, Z)$ with eigenvalues ${lambda_j=kappa_{j}^{2}+1/4}_{j=1}^{ infty}$. We prove the following effective non-vanishing result: At least $50 %$ of the central values $L_j(1/2)$ with $kappa_j leq T$ do not vanish as $Trightarrow infty$. Furthermore, we establish effective non-vanishing results in short intervals.
274 - Dohoon Choi , Subong Lim 2014
In this paper, considering the Eichler-Shimura cohomology theory for Jacobi forms, we study connections between harmonic Maass-Jacobi forms and Jacobi integrals. As an application we study a pairing between two Jacobi integrals, which is defined by s pecial values of partial $L$-functions of skew-holomorphic Jacobi cusp forms. We obtain connections between this pairing and the Petersson inner product for skew-holomorphic Jacobi cusp forms. This result can be considered as analogue of Haberland formula of elliptic modular forms for Jacobi forms.
We introduce an L-series associated with harmonic Maass forms and prove their functional equations. We establish converse theorems for these L-series and, as an application, we formulate and prove a summation formula for the holomorphic part of a harmonic lift of a given cusp form.
67 - Dohoon Choi , Subong Lim 2018
Let $j(z)$ be the modular $j$-invariant function. Let $tau$ be an algebraic number in the complex upper half plane $mathbb{H}$. It was proved by Schneider and Siegel that if $tau$ is not a CM point, i.e., $[mathbb{Q}(tau):mathbb{Q}] eq2$, then $j(tau )$ is transcendental. Let $f$ be a harmonic weak Maass form of weight $0$ on $Gamma_0(N)$. In this paper, we consider an extension of the results of Schneider and Siegel to a family of values of $f$ on Hecke orbits of $tau$. For a positive integer $m$, let $T_m$ denote the $m$-th Hecke operator. Suppose that the coefficients of the principal part of $f$ at the cusp $i infty$ are algebraic, and that $f$ has its poles only at cusps equivalent to $i infty$. We prove, under a mild assumption on $f$, that for any fixed $tau$, if $N$ is a prime such that $ Ngeq 23 text{ and } N ot in {23, 29, 31, 41, 47, 59, 71},$ then $f(T_m.tau)$ are transcendental for infinitely many positive integers $m$ prime to $N$.
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