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Nuclear structure and the nucleon effective mass: explorations with the versatile KIDS functional

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 نشر من قبل Panagiota Papakonstantinou
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The connection from the structure and dynamics of atomic nuclei (finite nuclear system) to the nuclear equation of state (thermodynamic limit) is primarily made through nuclear energy-density functional (EDF) theory. Failure to describe both entities simultaneously within existing EDF frameworks means that we have either seriously misjudged the scope of EDF or not fully taken advantage of it. Enter the versatile KIDS Ansatz, which is based on controlled, order-by-order extensions of the nuclear EDF with respect to the Fermi momentum and allows a direct mapping from a given, immutable equation of state to a convenient Skyrme pseudopotential for applications in finite nuclei. A recent proof-of-principle study of nuclear ground-states revealed the subversive role of the effective mass. Here we summarize the formalism and previous results and present further explorations related to giant resonances. As examples we consider the electric dipole polarizability of 68Ni and the giant monopole resonance (GMR) of heavy nuclei, particularly the fluffiness of 120Sn. We find that the choice of the effective mass parameters and that of the compression modulus affect the centroid energy of the GMR to comparable degrees.

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The density functional theory (DFT) is based on the existence and uniqueness of a universal functional $E[rho]$, which determines the dependence of the total energy on single-particle density distributions. However, DFT says nothing about the form of the functional. Our strategy is to first look at what we know, from independent considerations, about the analytical density dependence of the energy of nuclear matter and then, for practical applications, to obtain an appropriate density-dependent effective interaction by reverse engineering. In a previous work on homogeneous matter, we identified the most essential terms to include in our KIDS functional, named after the early-stage participating institutes. We now present first results for finite nuclei, namely the energies and radii of $^{16,28}$O, $^{40,60}$Ca.
208 - C. Maieron , V. De Donno , G Co 2009
We present a calculation of low energy magnetic states of doubly-closed-shell nuclei. Our results have been obtained within the random phase approximation using different nucleon-nucleon interactions, having zero- or finite-range and including a possible contribution in the tensor channel.
Within an isospin and momentum dependent transport model, the dynamics of isospin particles (nucleons and light clusters) in Fermi-energy heavy-ion collisions are investigated for constraining the isospin splitting of nucleon effective mass and the s ymmetry energy at subsaturation densities. The mass splitting of $m^{*}_{n}>m^{*}_{p}$ and $m^{*}_{n}<m^{*}_{p}$ in nuclear matter and the different stiffness of symmetry energy are used in the model. The single and double neutron to proton ratios of free nucleons and light particles are thoroughly investigated in the isotopic nuclear reactions of $^{112}$Sn+$^{112}$Sn and $^{124}$Sn+$^{124}$Sn at the incident energies of 50 and 120 MeV/nucleon, respectively. It is found that the both effective mass splitting and symmetry energy impact the kinetic energy spectra of the single ratios, in particular at the high energy tail (larger than 20 MeV). Specific constraints are obtained from the double ratio spectra, which are evaluated from the ratios of isospin observables produced in $^{124}$Sn+$^{124}$Sn over $^{112}$Sn+$^{112}$Sn collisions. A mass splitting of $m^{*}_{n}<m^{*}_{p}$ is constrained from the available data at the energy of 120 MeV/nucleon. A soft symmetry energy with the stiffness of $gamma_{s}=$0.5 is close to the experimental double ratio spectra at both energies.
We study the nuclear iso-scalar giant quadruple resonance~(ISGQR) based on the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck~(BUU) transport equation. The mean-field part of the BUU equation is described by the Skyrme nucleon-nucleon effective interaction, and its col lision term, which embodies the two-particle-two-hole ($2$p-$2$h) correlation, is implemented through the stochastic approach. We find that the width of ISGQR for heavy nuclei is exhausted dominated by collisional damping, which is incorporated into the BUU equation through its collision term, and it can be well reproduced through employing a proper in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section. Based on further Vlasov and BUU calculations with a number of representative Skyrme interactions, the iso-scalar nucleon effective mass at saturation density is extracted respectively as $m^{*}_{s,0}/m$ $=$ $0.83pm0.04$ and $m^{*}_{s,0}/m$ $=$ $0.82pm0.03$ from the measured excitation energy $E_x$ of the ISGQR of $isotope[208]{Pb}$. The small discrepancy between the two constraints indicates the negligible role of $2$p-$2$h correlation in constraining $m_{s,0}^*$ with the ISGQR excitation energy.
We formulate the quark meson coupling model as a many-body effective Hamiltonian. This leads naturally to the appearance of many-body forces. We investigate the zero range limit of the model and compare its Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian to that correspond ing to the Skyrme effective force. By fixing the three parameters of the model to reproduce the binding and symmetry energy of nuclear matter, we find that it allows a very satisfactory interpretation of the Skyrme force.
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