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Adding 32-bit Mode to the ACL2 Model of the x86 ISA

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 نشر من قبل EPTCS
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Alessandro Coglio

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The ACL2 model of the x86 Instruction Set Architecture was built for the 64-bit mode of operation of the processor. This paper reports on our work to extend the model with support for 32-bit mode, recounting the salient aspects of this activity and identifying the ones that required the most work.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

334 - Ruben Gamboa 2018
We report on a verification of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra in ACL2(r). The proof consists of four parts. First, continuity for both complex-valued and real-valued functions of complex numbers is defined, and it is shown that continuous functio ns from the complex to the real numbers achieve a minimum value over a closed square region. An important case of continuous real-valued, complex functions results from taking the traditional complex norm of a continuous complex function. We think of these continuous functions as having only one (complex) argument, but in ACL2(r) they appear as functions of two arguments. The extra argument is a context, which is uninterpreted. For example, it could be other arguments that are held fixed, as in an exponential function which has a base and an exponent, either of which could be held fixed. Second, it is shown that complex polynomials are continuous, so the norm of a complex polynomial is a continuous real-valued function and it achieves its minimum over an arbitrary square region centered at the origin. This part of the proof benefits from the introduction of the context argument, and it illustrates an innovation that simplifies the proofs of classical properties with unbound parameters. Third, we derive lower and upper bounds on the norm of non-constant polynomials for inputs that are sufficiently far away from the origin. This means that a sufficiently large square can be found to guarantee that it contains the global minimum of the norm of the polynomial. Fourth, it is shown that if a given number is not a root of a non-constant polynomial, then it cannot be the global minimum. Finally, these results are combined to show that the global minimum must be a root of the polynomial. This result is part of a larger effort in the formalization of complex polynomials in ACL2(r).
61 - Hubert Garavel 2021
Solutions proposed for the longstanding problem of automatic decomposition of Petri nets into concurrent processes, as well as methods developed in Grenoble for the automatic conversion of safe Petri nets to NUPNs (Nested-Unit Petri Nets), require ce rtain properties to be computed on Petri nets. We notice that, although these properties are theoretically interesting and practically useful, they are not currently implemented in mainstream Petri net tools. Taking into account such properties would open fruitful research directions for tool developers, and new perspectives for the Model Checking Contest as well.
The Cayley-Dickson Construction is a generalization of the familiar construction of the complex numbers from pairs of real numbers. The complex numbers can be viewed as two-dimensional vectors equipped with a multiplication. The construction can be used to construct, not only the two-dimensional Complex Numbers, but also the four-dimensional Quaternions and the eight-dimensional Octonions. Each of these vector spaces has a vector multiplication, v_1*v_2, that satisfies: 1. Each nonzero vector has a multiplicative inverse. 2. For the Euclidean length of a vector |v|, |v_1 * v_2| = |v_1| |v2|. Real numbers can also be viewed as (one-dimensional) vectors with the above two properties. ACL2(r) is used to explore this question: Given a vector space, equipped with a multiplication, satisfying the Euclidean length condition 2, given above. Make pairs of vectors into new vectors with a multiplication. When do the newly constructed vectors also satisfy condition 2?
352 - Matt Kaufmann 2020
Iterative algorithms are traditionally expressed in ACL2 using recursion. On the other hand, Common Lisp provides a construct, loop, which -- like most programming languages -- provides direct support for iteration. We describe an ACL2 analogue loop$ of loop that supports efficient ACL2 programming and reasoning with iteration.
162 - David S. Hardin 2013
As Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have gained in capability and GPU development environments have matured, developers are increasingly turning to the GPU to off-load the main host CPU of numerically-intensive, parallelizable computations. Modern GP Us feature hundreds of cores, and offer programming niceties such as double-precision floating point, and even limited recursion. This shift from CPU to GPU, however, raises the question: how do we know that these new GPU-based algorithms are correct? In order to explore this new verification frontier, we formalized a parallelizable all-pairs shortest path (APSP) algorithm for weighted graphs, originally coded in NVIDIAs CUDA language, in ACL2. The ACL2 specification is written using a single-threaded object (stobj) and tail recursion, as the stobj/tail recursion combination yields the most straightforward translation from imperative programming languages, as well as efficient, scalable executable specifications within ACL2 itself. The ACL2 version of the APSP algorithm can process millions of vertices and edges with little to no garbage generation, and executes at one-sixth the speed of a host-based version of APSP coded in C- a very respectable result for a theorem prover. In addition to formalizing the APSP algorithm (which uses Dijkstras shortest path algorithm at its core), we have also provided capability that the original APSP code lacked, namely shortest path recovery. Path recovery is accomplished using a secondary ACL2 stobj implementing a LIFO stack, which is proven correct. To conclude the experiment, we ported the ACL2 version of the APSP kernels back to C, resulting in a less than 5% slowdown, and also performed a partial back-port to CUDA, which, surprisingly, yielded a slight performance increase.
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