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Prospects in spectroscopy with Belle II

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 نشر من قبل Vishal Bhardwaj
 تاريخ النشر 2018
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Belle played a leading role in shaping the spectroscopy sector for last decade. With 50 times more data than Belle, the Belle II experiment also expects to play crucial role in spectroscopy for the next decade. In this talk, a few chosen results one expects from Belle II will be discussed.

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135 - Sam Cunliffe 2017
Rare and flavour-changing neutral current decays of the B meson are an important probe in the search for physics beyond the Standard Model. There have recently been several anomalies in rare B decays, and lepton-universality measurements, specificall y involving the $bto sell^+ell^-$ quark transition. These results tend towards a non-Standard-Model interpretation. The Belle II experiment is a next-generation b physics experiment located at SuperKEKB, an upgraded B factory $e^+e^-$ collider, in Tsukuba, Japan. The first collisions are expected in early 2018 with full physics data expected in 2019. This document describes prospects for several rare B decays at Belle II including $bto sell^+ell^-$ processes and others, such as $bto(s,,d)gamma$ and $bto s ubar u$. Areas where the Belle II program is complementary to that of the currently running LHCb experiment are highlighted.
211 - T. Aushev 2012
High precision measurements in the quark flavor sector are essential for searching for new physics beyond the Standard model. SuperKEKB collider and Belle II detector are designed to perform such measurements. The status and prospects of the SuperKEKB and Belle II are presented in this article.
84 - Bryan Fulsom 2017
Quarkonium is the bound state of a heavy quark and its anti-quark counterpart. The study of this system has experienced a renaissance thanks to results from e+e- collider experiments, including discoveries of long-predicted conventional quarkonia, an d unusual states consisting of four quarks. The Belle Experiment operated at KEK in Japan from 1999-2010. Analysis of the collected data continues to produce new findings. The Belle II experiment is a substantial upgrade of both the Belle detector and the KEKB accelerator, aiming to collect 50 times more data beginning in 2018. This talk presented recent Belle results related to hadronic and radiative decays in the bottomonium system. It described the capabilities of Belle II to explore these topics, with a particular focus on the physics reach of the first data, where unique opportunities exist to make an immediate impact in this area.
175 - Elisabetta Prencipe 2018
The search for multi-quark states beyond the constituent quark model (CQM) has resulted in the discovery of many new exotic states, starting with the observation of the X(3872), discovered by Belle in 2003. Also in the sector of charm-strange physics the CQM does not seem to describe properly all spectrum, despite of theoretical expectations. These new forms of quark bounds clearly show that mesons and baryons are not the only possibilities to be considered. We shortly report in this paper selected recent results on searching for such states at Belle, with the perspectives in the hadron physics program at the Belle II experiment.
We describe the conversion of simulated and recorded data by the Belle experiment to the Belle~II format with the software package texttt{b2bii}. It is part of the Belle~II Analysis Software Framework. This allows the validation of the analysis softw are and the improvement of analyses based on the recorded Belle dataset using newly developed analysis tools.
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