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Temporal variation of the spectrum of continuously-pumped random fiber laser. Phenomenological model

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 نشر من قبل Yury Bliokh P
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A temporal variation of a spectrum of excited modes in a continuously pumped erbium-doped random fiber laser (RFL), based on randomly distributed Bragg gratings, is studied. Developed phenomenological theoretical model assumes hard excitation mechanism of the eigenmodes instability. The model explains qualitatively peculiarities of the spectrum variation, observed experimentally.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We investigate the effects of two dimensional confinement on the lasing properties of a classical random laser system operating in the incoherent feedback (diffusive) regime. A suspension of 250nm rutile (TiO2) particles in a Rhodamine 6G solution wa s inserted into the hollow core of a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) generating the first random fiber laser and a novel quasi-one-dimensional RL geometry. Comparison with similar systems in bulk format shows that the random fiber laser presents an efficiency that is at least two orders of magnitude higher.
We present a hundred-watt-level linearly-polarized random fiber laser (RFL) pumped by incoherent broadband amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) source and prospect the power scaling potential theoretically. The RFL employs half-opened cavity structur e which is composed by a section of 330 m polarization maintained (PM) passive fiber and two PM high reflectivity fiber Bragg gratings. The 2nd order Stokes light centered at 1178 nm reaches the pump limited maximal power of 100.7 W with a full width at half-maximum linewidth of 2.58 nm and polarization extinction ratio of 23.5 dB. The corresponding ultimate quantum efficiency of pump to 2nd order Stokes light is 89.01%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of linearly-polarized high-order RFL with hundred-watt output power. Furthermore, the theoretical investigation indicates that 300 W-level linearly-polarized single-mode 1st order Stokes light can be obtained from incoherently pumped RFL with 100 m PM passive fiber.
144 - William Guerin 2009
We address the problem of achieving a random laser with a cloud of cold atoms, in which gain and scattering are provided by the same atoms. In this system, the elastic scattering cross-section is related to the complex atomic polarizability. As a con sequence, the random laser threshold is expressed as a function of this polarizability, which can be fully determined by spectroscopic measurements. We apply this idea to experimentally evaluate the threshold of a random laser based on Raman gain between non-degenerate Zeeman states and find a critical optical thickness on the order of 200, which is within reach of state-of-the-art cold-atom experiments.
103 - W Guerin 2016
We study the crossover between the diffusive and quasi-ballistic regimes of random lasers. In particular, we compare incoherent models based on the diffusion equation and the radiative transfer equation (RTE), which neglect all wave effects, with a c oherent wave model for the random laser threshold. We show that both the incoherent and the coherent models predict qualitatively similar thresholds, with a smooth transition from a diffuse to a quasi-ballistic regime. The shape of the intensity distribution in the sample as predicted by the RTE model at threshold is also in good agreement with the coherent model. The approximate incoherent models thus provide useful analytical predictions for the threshold of random lasers as well as the shape of the random laser modes at threshold.
Random lasing occurs as the result of a coherent optical feedback from multiple scattering centers. Here, we demonstrate that plasmonic gold nanostars are efficient light scattering centers, exhibiting strong field enhancement at their nanotips, whic h assists a very narrow bandwidth and highly amplified coherent random lasing with a low lasing threshold. First, by embedding plasmonic gold nanostars in a rhodamine 6G dye gain medium, we observe a series of very narrow random lasing peaks with full-width at half-maximum ~ 0.8 nm. In contrast, free rhodamine 6G dye molecules exhibit only a single amplified spontaneous emission peak with a broader linewidth of 6 nm. The lasing threshold for the dye with gold nanostars is two times lower than that for a free dye. Furthermore, by coating the tip of a single-mode optical fiber with gold nanostars, we demonstrate a collection of random lasing signal through the fiber that can be easily guided and analyzed. Time-resolved measurements show a significant increase in the emission rate above the lasing threshold, indicating a stimulated emission process. Our study provides a method for generating random lasing in the nanoscale with low threshold values that can be easily collected and guided, which promise a range of potential applications in remote sensing, information processing, and on-chip coherent light sources.
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