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A quantum device for measuring two-body interactions, scalar magnetic fields and rotations is proposed using a Bose--Einstein condensate (BEC) in a ring trap. We consider an imbalanced superposition of orbital angular momentum modes with opposite winding numbers for which a rotating minimal atomic density line appears. We derive an analytical model relating the angular frequency of the minimal density line rotation to the strength of the non-linear atom-atom interactions and the difference between the populations of the counter-propagating modes. Additionally, we propose a full experimental protocol based on direct fluorescence imaging of the BEC that allows to measure all the quantities involved in the analytical model and use the system for sensing purposes.
We investigate the 2D weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensate in a rotating trap by the tools of quantum information theory. The critical exponents of the ground state fidelity susceptibility and the correlation length of the system are obtained
PT-symmetric quantum mechanics allows finding stationary states in mean-field systems with balanced gain and loss of particles. In this work we apply this method to rotating Bose-Einstein condensates with contact interaction which are known to suppor
We propose a pump scheme for quantum circulations, including counter-circulations for superposition states, of a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. Our scheme is efficient and can be implemented within current experimental technologies and setups. It r
A scissors mode of a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The condensate is confined in an axi-symmetric harmonic trap, superimposed with a small rotating deformation. For angular velocities larger
High-precision gyroscopes are a key component of inertial navigation systems. By considering matter wave gyroscopes that make use of entanglement it should be possible to gain some advantages in terms of sensitivity, size, and resources used over une