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Quantum interferometry with a g-factor-tunable spin qubit

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 نشر من قبل Sergey Shevchenko N.
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study quantum interference effects of a qubit whose energy levels are continuously modulated. The qubit is formed by an impurity electron spin in a silicon tunneling field-effect transistor, and it is read out by spin blockade in a double-dot configuration. The qubit energy levels are modulated via its gate-voltage-dependent g-factors, with either rectangular, sinusoidal, or ramp radio-frequency waves. The energy-modulated qubit is probed by the electron spin resonance. Our results demonstrate the potential of spin qubit interferometry implemented in a silicon device and operated at a relatively high temperature.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We report a large g-factor tunability of a single hole spin in an InGaAs quantum dot via an electric field. The magnetic field lies in the in-plane direction x, the direction required for a coherent hole spin. The electrical field lies along the grow th direction z and is changed over a large range, 100 kV/cm. Both electron and hole g-factors are determined by high resolution laser spectroscopy with resonance fluorescence detection. This, along with the low electrical-noise environment, gives very high quality experimental results. The hole g-factor g_xh depends linearly on the electric field Fz, dg_xh/dFz = (8.3 +/- 1.2)* 10^-4 cm/kV, whereas the electron g-factor g_xe is independent of electric field, dg_xe/dFz = (0.1 +/- 0.3)* 10^-4 cm/kV (results averaged over a number of quantum dots). The dependence of g_xh on Fz is well reproduced by a 4x4 k.p model demonstrating that the electric field sensitivity arises from a combination of soft hole confining potential, an In concentration gradient and a strong dependence of material parameters on In concentration. The electric field sensitivity of the hole spin can be exploited for electrically-driven hole spin rotations via the g-tensor modulation technique and based on these results, a hole spin coupling as large as ~ 1 GHz is expected to be envisaged.
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