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Investigation of the Cross Section for dd Elastic Scattering and dd$rightarrow$ n$^{3}$He Reactions at 160 MeV

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 نشر من قبل Izabela Ciepa{\\l}
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Differential cross sections of $^{2}$H(d, d)d elastic scattering and proton transfer $^{2}$H(d, $^{3}$He)n reactions at 160 MeV beam energy have been obtained. They have been normalized relative to the existing cross-section data for the $^{2}$H(d, d)d elastic scattering at 180 and 130 MeV, benefiting from the negligible energy dependence of this observable at certain range of the four momentum transfer. The experiment was performed at KVI in Groningen, the Netherlands using the BINA detector. The elastic scattering data are compared to theoretical predictions based on the lowest-order term in the Neumann series expansion for four-nucleon transition operators. The calculations underpredict the data. The data presented in this paper can be used to validate the future theoretical findings.

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289 - E.Ihara , T.Wakasa , M.Dozono 2008
The cross-sections and analyzing powers for $(p,n)$ reactions on ${}^{3}{rm He}$ and ${}^{4}{rm He}$ have been measured at a bombarding energy of $T_p$ = 346 MeV and reaction angles of $theta_{rm lab}$ = $9.4^{circ}$--$27^{circ}$. The energy transf er spectra for ${}^{3}{rm He}(p,n)$ at large $theta_{rm lab}$ ($ge$ $16^{circ}$) are dominated by quasielastic contributions, and can be reasonably reproduced by plane-wave impulse approximation (PWIA) calculations for quasielastic scattering. By contrast, the known $L$ = 1 resonances in ${}^{4}{rm Li}$ are clearly observed near the threshold in the ${}^{4}{rm He}(p,n)$ spectra. Because these contributions are remarkable at small angles, the energy spectra are significantly different from those expected for quasielastic scattering. The data are compared with the PWIA calculations, and it is found that the quasielastic contributions are dominant at large $theta_{rm lab}$ ($ge$ $22^{circ}$). The nuclear correlation effects on the quasielastic peak for ${}^{4}{rm He}(p,n)$ are also discussed.
The search for 4He-eta bound states was performed with the WASA-at-COSY facility via the measurement of the excitation function for the dd->3He n pi0 and dd->3He p pi- processes. The beam momentum was varied continuously between 2.127 GeV/c and 2.422 GeV/c, corresponding to the excess energy for the dd->4He eta reaction ranging from Q=-70 MeV to Q=30 MeV. The luminosity was determined based on the dd->3He n reaction and quasi-free proton-proton scattering via dd->pp n_spectator n_spectator reactions. The excitation functions determined independently for the measured reactions do not reveal a structure which could be interpreted as a narrow mesic nucleus. Therefore, the upper limits of the total cross sections for the bound state production and decay in dd->(4He-eta)_bound->3He n pi0 and dd->(4He-eta)_bound->3He p pi- processes were determined taking into account the isospin relation between both the channels considered. The results of the analysis depend on the assumptions of the N* momentum distribution in the anticipated mesic-4He. Assuming as in the previous works, that this is identical with the distribution of nucleons bound with 20 MeV in 4He, we determined that (for the mesic bound state width in the range from 5 MeV to 50 MeV) the upper limits at 90% confidence level are about 3 nb and about 6 nb for npi0 and ppi- channels, respectively. However, based on the recent theoretical findings of the N*(1535) momentum distribution in the N*-3He nucleus bound by 3.6 MeV, we find that the WASA-at-COSY detector acceptance decreases and hence the corresponding upper limits are 5 nb and 10 nb for npi0 and ppi- channels respectively.
A tagged medium-energy neutron beam has been used in a precise measurement of the absolute differential cross section for np back-scattering. The results resolve significant discrepancies within the np database concerning the angular dependence in th is regime. The experiment has determined the absolute normalization with 1.5% uncertainty, suitable to verify constraints of supposedly comparable precision that arise from the rest of the database in partial wave analyses. The analysis procedures, especially those associated with evaluation of systematic errors in the experiment, are described in detail so that systematic uncertainties may be included in a reasonable way in subsequent partial wave analysis fits incorporating the present results.
An exclusive measurement of the dd -> 3He n pi 0 reaction was carried at a beam momentum of p = 1.2 GeV/c using the WASA-at-COSY facility. For the first time data on the total cross section as well as differential distributions were obtained. The dat a are described with a phenomenological approach based on a combination of a quasi-free model and a partial wave expansion for three-body reaction. The total cross section is found to be sigma(tot) = (2.89 +- 0.01(stat) +- 0.06(sys) +- 0.29(norm)) mu b. The contribution of the quasi-free processes (with the neutron being target or beam spectator) accounts for 38% of the total cross section and dominates the differential distributions in specific regions of the phase space. The remaining part of the cross section can be described within a partial wave decomposition indicating the significance of p-wave contributions in the final state.
We present new accurate measurements of the differential cross section $sigma(theta)$ and the proton analyzing power $A_{y}$ for proton-$^{3}$He elastic scattering at various energies. A supersonic gas jet target has been employed to obtain these low energy cross section measurements. The $sigma(theta)$ distributions have been measured at $E_{p}$ = 0.99, 1.59, 2.24, 3.11, and 4.02 MeV. Full angular distributions of $A_{y}$ have been measured at $E_{p}$ = 1.60, 2.25, 3.13, and 4.05 MeV. This set of high-precision data is compared to four-body variational calculations employing realistic nucleon-nucleon (NN) and three-nucleon (3N) interactions. For the unpolarized cross section the agreement between the theoretical calculation and data is good when a $3N$ potential is used. The comparison between the calculated and measured proton analyzing powers reveals discrepancies of approximately 50% at the maximum of each distribution. This is analogous to the existing ``$A_{y}$ Puzzle known for the past 20 years in nucleon-deuteron elastic scattering.
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