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First Performance Results Of The PIP2IT MEBT 200 Ohm Kicker Prototype

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 نشر من قبل Saewert, Gregory W.
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The PIP-II project is a program to upgrade the Fermilab accelerator complex. The PIP-II linac includes a 2.1 MeV Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT) section that incorporates a unique chopping system to perform arbitrary, bunch-by-bunch removal of 162.5 MHz structured beam. The MEBT chopping system will consist of two identical kickers working together and a beam absorber. One design of two having been proposed has been a 200 Ohm characteristic impedance traveling wave dual-helix kicker driven with custom designed high-speed switches. This paper reports on the first performance results of one prototype kicker built, installed and tested with beam at the PIP-II Injector Test (PIP2IT) facility. The helix deflector design details are discussed. The electrical performance of the high-speed switch driver operating at 500 V bias is presented. Tests performed were chopping beam at 81.25 MHz for microseconds as well as with a truly arbitrary pattern for 550 $mu$s bursts having a 45 MHz average switching rate and repeating at 20 Hz.

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The Proton Improvement Plan, Stage Two (PIP-II) is a program of upgrades proposed for the Fermilab injection complex, which central part is an 800 MeV, 2 mA CW SRF linac. A prototype of the PIP-II linac front end called PIP-II Injector Test (PIP2IT) is being built at Fermilab. As of now, a 15 mA DC, 30-keV H- ion source, a 2 m-long Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT), a 2.1 MeV CW RFQ, followed by a 10 m Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT) have been assembled and commissioned. The MEBT bunch-by-bunch chopping system and the requirement of a low uncontrolled beam loss put stringent limitations on the beam envelope and its variation. Measurements of transverse and longitudinal beam dynamics in the MEBT were performed in the range of 1-10 mA of the RFQ beam current. Almost all measurements are made with 10 {mu}s beam pulses in order to avoid damage to the beam line. This report presents measurements of the transverse optics with differential trajectories, reconstruction of the beam envelope with scrapers and an Allison emittance scanner, as well as bunch length measurements with a Fast Faraday Cup.
The warm front end of the PIP2IT accelerator, assem-bled and commissioned at Fermilab, consists of a 15 mA DC, 30 keV H- ion source, a 2 m long Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT) line, and a 2.1 MeV, 162.5 MHz CW RFQ, followed by a 10 m long Medium Ene rgy Beam Transport (MEBT) line. A part of the commissioning efforts involves operation with the average beam power emulating the operation of the proposed PIP-II accelera-tor, which will have a duty factor of 1.1% or above. The maximum achieved power is 5 kW (2.1 MeV x 5 mA x 25 ms x 20 Hz). This paper describes the difficulties encoun-tered and some of the solutions that were implemented.
575 - A. Shemyakin , C. Baffes , A. Chen 2013
The Project X Injector Experiment (PXIE), a test bed for the Project X front end, will be completed at Fermilab at FY12-16. One of the challenging goals of PXIE is demonstration of the capability to form a 1 mA H- beam with an arbitrary selected bunc h pattern from the initially 5 mA 162.5 MHz CW train. The bunch selection will be made in the Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT) at 2.1 MeV by diverting undesired bunches to an absorber. This paper presents the MEBT scheme and describes development of its elements, including the kickers and absorber.
112 - G. Vashchenko 2018
The AXSIS project (Attosecond X-ray Science: Imaging and Spectroscopy) aims to develop a THz-driven compact X-ray source for applications e.g. in chemistry and biology by using ultrafast coherent diffraction imaging and spectroscopy. The key componen ts of AXSIS are the THz-driven electron gun and THz-driven dielectric loaded linear accelerator as well as an inverse Compton scattering scheme for the X-rays production. This paper is focused on the prototype of the THz-driven electron gun which is capable of accelerating electrons up to tens of keV. Such a gun was manufactured and tested at the test-stand at DESY. Due to variations in gun fabrication and generation of THz-fields the gun is not exactly operated at design parameters. Extended simulations have been performed to understand the experimentally observed performance of the gun. A detailed comparison between simulations and experimental measurements is presented in this paper.
46 - T. Imai 2000
A double kicker system which extracts the ultra-low emittance multi-bunch beam stably from ATF damping ring was developed. The performance of the system was studied comparing an orbit jitter with single kicker extraction in single bunch mode. The pos ition jitter reduction was estimated from the analysis of the extraction orbits. The reduction was confirmed for the double kicker system within a resolution of BPMs. More precise tuning of the system with a wire scanner has been tried by changing a beta function at the second kicker to get more reduction of kick angle jitter. The results of these studies are described in detail.
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