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Long-term BVRI photometric light curves of 15 PMS stars in the IC 5070 star-forming region

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 نشر من قبل Sunay Ibryamov
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper reports the results from the multicolor photometric observations of 15 pre-main sequence stars collected in the period 2010 September - 2017 October. The stars from our study are located in the star-forming HII region IC 5070. These objects were previously detected as either emission line stars, flare stars, T Tauri variables or Herbig Ae/Be stars. Photometric observations, especially concerning the long-term behavior of the objects are missing in the literature. We present the first photometric monitoring for all stars from our study. The analysis of the obtained BVRI photometric data allows to draw a conclusion that all investigated objects are variable stars. In the case of LkHa 146 we identified previously unknown periodicity in its photometric variability.

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We present results from long-term optical photometric observations of the Pre-Main Sequence (PMS) stars, located in the star formation region around the bright nebula NGC 7129. Using the long-term light curves and spectroscopic data, we tried to clas sify the PMS objects in the field and to define the reasons for the observed brightness variations. Our main goal is to explore the known PMS stars and discover new, young, variable stars. The new variable PMS star 2MASS J21403576+6635000 exhibits unusual brightness variations for very short time intervals (few minutes or hours) with comparatively large amplitudes (Delta I = 2.65 mag).
Results from UBVRI photometric observations of the pre-main sequence star GM Cep obtained in the period April 2011 - August 2014 are reported in the paper. Presented data are a continuation of our photometric monitoring of the star started in 2008. G M Cep is located in the field of the young open cluster Trumpler 37 and over the past years it has been an object of intense photometric and spectral studies. The star shows a strong photometric variability interpreted as a possible outburst from EXor type in previous studies. Our photometric data for a period of over six years show a large amplitude variability (Delta V ~ 2.3 mag.) and several deep minimums in brightness are observed. The analysis of the collected multicolor photometric data shows the typical of UX Ori variables a color reversal during the minimums in brightness. The observed decreases in brightness have a different shape, and evidences of periodicity are not detected. At the same time, high amplitude rapid variations in brightness typical for the classical T Tauri stars also present on the light curve of GM Cep. The spectrum of GM Cep shows the typical of classical T Tauri stars wide H/alpha emission line and absorption lines of some metals. We calculate the outer radius of the H/alpha emitting region as 10.4 +/-0.5 Rsun and the accretion rate as 1.8 x 10 E-7 Msun/yr.
123 - E. Paunzen 2010
Photometric variability of chemically peculiar (CP) stars of the upper main sequence is closely connected to their local stellar magnetic field and their rotational period. Long term investigations, as presented here, help us to identify possible ste llar cycles (as in the Sun). Furthermore, these data provide a basis for detailed surface mapping techniques. Photoelectric Stroemgren uvby time series for 27 CP stars within the boundaries of open clusters are presented. In addition, Hipparcos photometric data (from 1989 to 1993) are used for our analysis. Our observations cover a time period of about six years (1986 to 1992) with typically fifteen measurements for each objects. These observations help us to determine the rotational periods of these objects. A standard reduction procedure was applied to the data. When possible, we merged our data sets with already published ones to obtain a more significant result. A detailed time series analysis was performed, involving five different methods to minimize spurious detections. We established, for the first time, variability for fourteen CP stars. For additional two stars, a merging of already published data sets, resulted in more precise periods, whereas for six objects, the published periods could be confirmed. Last, but not least, no significant variations were found for five stars. Apart from six stars, all targets seem to be members of their host open clusters.
We present results from photometric monitoring of V900 Mon, one of the newly discovered and still under-studied object from FU Orionis type. FUor phenomenon is very rarely observed, but it is essential for stellar evolution. Since we only know about twenty stars of this type, the study of each new object is very important for our knowledge. Our data was obtained in the optical spectral region with BVRI Johnson-Cousins set of filters during the period from September 2011 to April 2021. In order to follow the photometric history of the object, we measured its stellar magnitudes on the available plates from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes. The collected archival data suggests that the rise in brightness of V900 Mon began after January 1989 and the outburst goes so far. In November 2009, when the outburst was registered, the star had already reached a level of brightness close to the current one. Our observations indicate that during the period 2011-2017 the stellar magnitude increased gradually in each pass band. The observed amplitude of the outburst is about 4 magnitudes (R). During the last three years, the increase in brightness has stopped and there has even been a slight decline. The comparison of the light curves of the known FUor objects shows that they are very diverse and are rarely repeated. However, the photometric data we have so far shows that the V900 Mons light curve is somewhat similar to this of V1515 Cyg and V733 Cep.
We present ~800 days of photometric monitoring of Boyajians Star (KIC 8462852) from the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) and ~4000 days of monitoring from the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS). We show that from 2015 to the present the brightness of Boyajians Star has steadily decreased at a rate of 6.3 +/- 1.4 mmag yr^-1, such that the star is now 1.5% fainter than it was in February 2015. Moreover, the longer time baseline afforded by ASAS suggests that Boyajians Star has also undergone two brightening episodes in the past 11 years, rather than only exhibiting a monotonic decline. We analyze a sample of ~1000 comparison stars of similar brightness located in the same ASAS-SN field and demonstrate that the recent fading is significant at >99.4% confidence. The 2015-2017 dimming rate is consistent with that measured with Kepler data for the time period from 2009 to 2013. This long-term variability is difficult to explain with any of the physical models for the stars behavior proposed to date.
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