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Monte-Carlo simulation of neutron transmission through nanocomposite materials for neutron-optics applications

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 نشر من قبل Juergen Klepp
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Nanocomposites enable us to tune parameters that are crucial for use of such materials for neutron-optics applications such as diffraction gratings by careful choice of properties such as species (isotope) and concentration of contained nanoparticles. Nanocomposites for neutron optics have so far successfully been deployed in protonated form, containing high amounts of $^1$H atoms, which exhibit rather strong neutron absorption and incoherent scattering. At a future stage of development, chemicals containing $^1$H could be replaced by components with more favourable isotopes, such as $^2$H or $^{19}$F. In this note, we present results of Monte-Carlo simulations of the transmissivity of various nanocomposite materials for thermal and very-cold neutron spectra. The results are compared to experimental transmission data. Our simulation results for deuterated and fluorinated nanocomposite materials predict a decrease of absorption- and scattering-losses down to about 2 % for very-cold neutrons.

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