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Interferometric diameters of five evolved intermediate-mass planet-hosting stars measured with PAVO at the CHARA Array

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 نشر من قبل Timothy White
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Debate over the planet occurrence rates around intermediate-mass stars has hinged on the accurate determination of masses of evolved stars, and has been exacerbated by a paucity of reliable, directly-measured fundamental properties for these stars. We present long-baseline optical interferometry of five evolved intermediate-mass ($sim,1.5,mathrm{M}_odot$) planet-hosting stars using the PAVO beam combiner at the CHARA Array, which we combine with bolometric flux measurements and parallaxes to determine their radii and effective temperatures. We measured the radii and effective temperatures of 6 Lyncis ($5.12pm0.16,mathrm{R}_odot$, $4949pm58,mathrm{K}$), 24 Sextantis ($5.49pm0.18,mathrm{R}_odot$, $4908pm65,mathrm{K}$), $kappa$ Coronae Borealis ($4.77pm0.07,mathrm{R}_odot$, $4870pm47,mathrm{K}$), HR 6817 ($4.45pm0.08,mathrm{R}_odot$, $5013pm59,mathrm{K}$), and HR 8641 ($4.91pm0.12,mathrm{R}_odot$, $4950pm68,mathrm{K}$). We find disagreements of typically 15 per cent in angular diameter and $sim$200 K in temperature compared to interferometric measurements in the literature, yet good agreement with spectroscopic and photometric temperatures, concluding that the previous interferometric measurements may have been affected by systematic errors exceeding their formal uncertainties. Modelling based on BaSTI isochrones using various sets of asteroseismic, spectroscopic, and interferometric constraints tends to favour slightly ($sim$15 per cent) lower masses than generally reported in the literature.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Using Georgia State Universitys CHARA Array interferometer, we measured angular diameters for 25 giant stars, six of which host exoplanets. The combination of these measurements and Hipparcos parallaxes produce physical linear radii for the sample. E xcept for two outliers, our values match angular diameters and physical radii estimated using photometric methods to within the associated errors with the advantage that our uncertainties are significantly lower. We also calculated the effective temperatures for the stars using the newly-measured diameters. Our values do not match those derived from spectroscopic observations as well, perhaps due to the inherent properties of the methods used or because of a missing source of extinction in the stellar models that would affect the spectroscopic temperatures.
290 - Daniel Bonneau 2010
We obtained spectro-interferometric observations in the visible of $beta$ Lyrae and $upsilon$ Sgr using the instrument VEGA of the CHARA interferometric array. For $beta$ Lyrae, the dispersed fringe visibilities and differential phases were obtained in spectral regions containing the H$alpha$ and HeI 6678 lines and the H$beta$ and HeI 4921 lines. Whereas the source is unresolved in the continuum, the source of the emission lines is resolved and the photocenter of the bulk of the H$alpha$ emission exhibits offsets correlated with the orbital phase. For $upsilon$ Sgr, both the continuum and H$alpha$ sources are resolved, but no clear binary signal is detected. The differential phase shift across the line reveals that the bulk of the H$alpha$ emission is clearly offset from the primary.
The study of planet occurrence as a function of stellar mass is important for a better understanding of planet formation. Estimating stellar mass, especially in the red giant regime, is difficult. In particular, stellar masses of a sample of evolved planet-hosting stars based on spectroscopy and grid-based modelling have been put to question over the past decade with claims they were overestimated. Although efforts have been made in the past to reconcile this dispute using asteroseismology, results were inconclusive. In an attempt to resolve this controversy, we study four more evolved planet-hosting stars in this paper using asteroseismology, and we revisit previous results to make an informed study of the whole ensemble in a self-consistent way. For the four new stars, we measure their masses by locating their characteristic oscillation frequency, $mathrm{ u}_{mathrm{max}}$, from their radial velocity time series observed by SONG. For two stars, we are also able to measure the large frequency separation, $mathrm{Delta u}$, helped by extended SONG single-site and dual-site observations and new TESS observations. We establish the robustness of the $mathrm{ u}_{mathrm{max}}$-only-based results by determining the stellar mass from $mathrm{Delta u}$, and from both $mathrm{Delta u}$ and $mathrm{ u}_{mathrm{max}}$. We then compare the seismic masses of the full ensemble of 16 stars with the spectroscopic masses from three different literature sources. We find an offset between the seismic and spectroscopic mass scales that is mass-dependent, suggesting that the previously claimed overestimation of spectroscopic masses only affects stars more massive than about 1.6 M$_mathrm{odot}$.
We present the results of long-baseline optical interferometry observations using the Precision Astronomical Visual Observations (PAVO) beam combiner at the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array to measure the angular sizes of th ree bright Kepler stars: {theta} Cygni, and both components of the binary system 16 Cygni. Supporting infrared observations were made with the Michigan Infrared Combiner (MIRC) and Classic beam combiner, also at the CHARA Array. We find limb-darkened angular diameters of 0.753+/-0.009 mas for {theta} Cyg, 0.539+/-0.007 mas for 16 Cyg A and 0.490+/-0.006 mas for 16 Cyg B. The Kepler Mission has observed these stars with outstanding photometric precision, revealing the presence of solar-like oscillations. Due to the brightness of these stars the oscillations have exceptional signal-to-noise, allowing for detailed study through asteroseismology, and are well constrained by other observations. We have combined our interferometric diameters with Hipparcos parallaxes, spectrophotometric bolometric fluxes and the asteroseismic large frequency separation to measure linear radii ({theta} Cyg: 1.48+/-0.02 Rsun, 16 Cyg A: 1.22+/-0.02 Rsun, 16 Cyg B: 1.12+/-0.02 Rsun), effective temperatures ({theta} Cyg: 6749+/-44 K, 16 Cyg A: 5839+/-42 K, 16 Cyg B: 5809+/-39 K), and masses ({theta} Cyg: 1.37+/-0.04 Msun, 16 Cyg A: 1.07+/-0.05 Msun, 16 Cyg B: 1.05+/-0.04 Msun) for each star with very little model dependence. The measurements presented here will provide strong constraints for future stellar modelling efforts.
This article aims to measure the age of planet-hosting stars (SWP) through stellar tracks and isochrones computed with the textsl{PA}dova & Ttextsl{R}ieste textsl{S}tellar textsl{E}volutionary textsl{C}ode (PARSEC). We developed algorithms based on t wo different techniques for determining the ages of field stars: emph{isochrone placement} and emph{Bayesian estimation}. Their application to a synthetic sample of coeval stars shows the intrinsic limits of each method. For instance, the Bayesian computation of the modal age tends to select the extreme age values in the isochrones grid. Therefore, we used the isochrone placement technique to measure the ages of 317 SWP. We found that $sim6%$ of SWP have ages lower than 0.5 Gyr. The age distribution peaks in the interval [1.5, 2) Gyr, then it decreases. However, $sim7%$ of the stars are older than 11 Gyr. The Sun turns out to be a common star that hosts planets, when considering its evolutionary stage. Our SWP age distribution is less peaked and slightly shifted towards lower ages if compared with ages in the literature and based on the isochrone fit. In particular, there are no ages below 0.5 Gyr in the literature.
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