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Automated Detection Methods for Solar Activities and an Application for Statistic Analysis of Solar Filament

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 نشر من قبل Qi Hao
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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With the rapid development of telescopes, both temporal cadence and the spatial resolution of observations are increasing. This in turn generates vast amount of data, which can be efficiently searched only with automated detections in order to derive the features of interest in the observations. A number of automated detection methods and algorithms have been developed for solar activities, based on the image processing and machine learning techniques. In this paper, after briefly reviewing some automated detection methods, we describe our efficient and versatile automated detection method for solar filaments. It is able not only to recognize filaments, determine the features such as the position, area, spine, and other relevant parameters, but also to trace the daily evolution of the filaments. It is applied to process the full disk H-alpha data observed in nearly three solar cycles, and some statistic results are presented.

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50 - Q. Hao , C. Fang , W. Cao 2015
We improve our filament automated detection method which was proposed in our previous works. It is then applied to process the full disk H$alpha$ data mainly obtained by Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) from 1988 to 2013, spanning nearly 3 solar cyc les. The butterfly diagrams of the filaments, showing the information of the filament area, spine length, tilt angle, and the barb number, are obtained. The variations of these features with the calendar year and the latitude band are analyzed. The drift velocities of the filaments in different latitude bands are calculated and studied. We also investigate the north-south (N-S) asymmetries of the filament numbers in total and in each subclass classified according to the filament area, spine length, and tilt angle. The latitudinal distribution of the filament number is found to be bimodal. About 80% of all the filaments have tilt angles within [0{deg}, 60{deg}]. For the filaments within latitudes lower (higher) than 50{deg} the northeast (northwest) direction is dominant in the northern hemisphere and the southeast (southwest) direction is dominant in the southern hemisphere. The latitudinal migrations of the filaments experience three stages with declining drift velocities in each of solar cycles 22 and 23, and it seems that the drift velocity is faster in shorter solar cycles. Most filaments in latitudes lower (higher) than 50{deg} migrate toward the equator (polar region). The N-S asymmetry indices indicate that the southern hemisphere is the dominant hemisphere in solar cycle 22 and the northern hemisphere is the dominant one in solar cycle 23.
Solar explosive events are commonly explained as small scale magnetic reconnection events, although unambiguous confirmation of this scenario remains elusive due to the lack of spatial resolution and of the statistical analysis of large enough sample s of this type of events. In this work, we propose a sound statistical treatment of data cubes consisting of a temporal sequence of long slit spectra of the solar atmosphere. The analysis comprises all the stages from the explosive event detection to its characterization and the subsequent sample study. We have designed two complementary approaches based on the combination of standard statistical techniques (Robust Principal Component Analysis in one approach and wavelet decomposition and Independent Component Analysis in the second) in order to obtain least biased samples. These techniques are implemented in the spirit of letting the data speak for themselves. The analysis is carried out for two spectral lines: the C IV line at 1548.2 angstroms and the Ne VIII line at 770.4 angstroms. We find significant differences between the characteristics of the line profiles emitted in the proximities of two active regions, and in the quiet Sun, most visible in the relative importance of a separate population of red shifted profiles. We also find a higher frequency of explosive events near the active regions, and in the C IV line. The distribution of the explosive events characteristics is interpreted in the light of recent numerical simulations. Finally, we point out several regions of the parameter space where the reconnection model has to be refined in order to explain the observations.
We have catalogued 196 filament oscillations from the GONG $H{alpha}$ network data during several months near the maximum of solar cycle 24 (January - June 2014). Selected examples from the catalog are described in detail, along with our statistical analyses of all events. Oscillations were classified according to their velocity amplitude: 106 small-amplitude oscillations (SAOs), with velocities $<10mathrm{, km ; s^{-1}}$, and 90 large-amplitude oscillations (LAOs), with velocities $>10mathrm{, km ; s^{-1}}$. Both SAOs and LAOs are common, with one event of each class every two days on the visible side of the Sun. For nearly half of the events we identified their apparent trigger. The period distribution has a mean value of 58$pm$15 min for both types of oscillations. The distribution of the damping time per period peaks at $tau/P=1.75$ and $1.25$ for SAOs and LAOs respectively. We confirmed that LAO damping rates depend nonlinearly on the oscillation velocity. The angle between the direction of motion and the filament spine has a distribution centered at $27^circ$ for all filament types. This angle agrees with the observed direction of filament-channel magnetic fields, indicating that most of the catalogued events are longitudinal (i.e., undergo field-aligned motions). We applied seismology to determine the average radius of curvature in the magnetic dips, $Rapprox89$ Mm, and the average minimum magnetic-field strength, $Bapprox16$ G. The catalog is available to the community online, and is intended to be expanded to cover at least 1 solar cycle.
During the last decade, the relation between activity cycle periods with stellar parameters has received special attention. The construction of reliable registries of activity reveals that solar type stars exhibit activity cycles with periods from fe w years to decades and, in same cases, long and short activity cycles coexist suggesting that two dynamos could operate in these stars. In particular, Epsilon Eridani is an active young K2V star (0.8 Gyr), which exhibits a short and long-term chromospheric cycles of near 3 and 13-yr periods. Additionally, between 1985 and 1992, the star went through a broad activity minimum, similar to the solar Maunder Minimum-state. Motivated by these results, we found in Epsilon Eridani a great opportunity to test the dynamo theory. Based on the model developed in Sraibman & Minotti (2019), in this work we built a non linear axisymmetric dynamo for Epsilon Eridani. The time series of the simulated magnetic field components near the surface integrated in all the stellar disc exhibits both the long and short-activity cycles with periods similar to the ones detected from observations and also time intervals of low activity which could be associated to the broad Minimun. The short activity cycle associated to the magnetic reversal could be explained by the differential rotation, while the long cycle is associated to the meridional mass flows induced by the Lorentz force. In this way, we show that a single non-linear dynamo model derived from first principles with accurate stellar parameters could reproduce coexisting activity cycles.
150 - Y. Lin , R. Soler , O. Engvold 2009
From recent high resolution observations obtained with the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope in La Palma, we detect swaying motions of individual filament threads in the plane of the sky. The oscillatory character of these motions are comparable with oscil latory Doppler signals obtained from corresponding filament threads. Simultaneous recordings of motions in the line of sight and in the plane of the sky give information about the orientation of the oscillatory plane. These oscillations are interpreted in the context of the magnetohydrodynamic theory. Kink magnetohydrodynamic waves supported by the thread body are proposed as an explanation of the observed thread oscillations. On the basis of this interpretation and by means of seismological arguments, we give an estimation of the thread Alfven speed and magnetic field strength by means of seismological arguments.
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