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Capturing photoelectron motion with guiding fictitious particles

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 نشر من قبل Jonathan Dubois Mr.
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Jonathan Dubois

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Photoelectron momentum distributions (PMDs) from atoms and molecules undergo qualitative changes as laser parameters are varied. We present a model to interpret the shape of the PMDs. The electrons motion is guided by a fictitious particle in our model, clearly characterizing two distinct dynamical behaviors: direct ionization and rescattering. As laser ellipticity is varied, our model reproduces the bifurcation in the PMDs seen in experiments.

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اقرأ أيضاً

215 - Jonathan Dubois 2018
We consider the dynamics of electrons in combined strong laser and Coulomb fields. Under a timescale separation condition, we reduce this dynamics to a guiding-center framework. More precisely, we derive a hierarchy of models for the guiding-center d ynamics based on averaging over the fast motion of the electron using Lie transforms. The reduced models we obtain describe well the different ionization channels, in particular, the conditions under which an electron is rescattered by the ionic core or is directly ionized. The comparison between these models highlights the models which are best suited for a qualitative and quantitative agreement with the parent dynamics.
553 - I. Fouxon , P. Horvai 2007
We study motion of small particles in turbulence when the particle relaxation time falls in the range of inertial time-scales of the flow. Due to inertia, particles drift relative to the fluid. We show that the drift velocity is close to the Lagrangi an velocity increments of turbulence at the particle relaxation time. We demonstrate that the collective drift of two close particles makes them see local velocity increments fluctuate fast and we introduce the corresponding Langevin description for separation dynamics. This allows to describe the behavior of the Lyapunov exponent and give the analogue of Richardsons law for separation above viscous scale.
We investigated the valence electronic structure of diamondoid particles in the gas phase, utilizing valence photoelectron spectroscopy. The samples were singly or doubly covalently bonded dimers or trimers of the lower diamondoids. Both the bond typ e and the combination of bonding partners are shown to affect the overall electronic structure. For singly bonded particles, we observe a small impact of the bond on the electronic structure, whereas for doubly bonded particles, the connecting bond determines the electronic structure of the highest occupied orbitals. In the singly bonded particles a superposition of the bonding partner orbitals determines the overall electronic structure. The experimental findings are supported by density functional theory computations at the M06-2X/cc-pVDZ level of theory.
We describe a setup to study ultrafast dynamics in gas-phase molecules using time-resolved photoelectron and photoion spectroscopy. The vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) probe pulses are generated via strong field high-order harmonic generation from infrared femtosecond laser pulses. The band pass characteristic in transmission of thin indium (In) metal foil is exploited to isolate the $9^{text{th}}$ harmonic of the 800 nm fundamental (H9, 14 eV, 89 nm) from all other high harmonics. The $9^{text{th}}$ harmonic is obtained with high conversion efficiencies and has sufficient photon energy to access the complete set of valence electron levels in most molecules. The setup also allows for direct comparison of VUV single-photon probe with 800 nm multi-photon probe without influencing the delay of excitation and probe pulse or the beam geometry. We use a magnetic bottle spectrometer with high collection efficiency for electrons, serving at the same time as a time of flight spectrometer for ions. Characterization measurements on Xe reveal the spectral width of H9 to be $190pm60$ meV and a photon flux of $sim1cdot10^{7}$ photons/pulse after spectral filtering. As a first application, we investigate the S$_1$ excitation of perylene using time-resolved ion spectra obtained with multi-photon probing and time-resolved electron spectra from VUV single-photon probing. The time resolution extracted from cross-correlation measurements is $65pm10$ fs for both probing schemes and the pulse duration of H9 is found to be $35pm8$ fs.
A beam of polar molecules can be focused and transported through an ac electric quadrupole guide. At a given ac frequency, the transmission of the guide depends on the mass-to-dipole-moment (m/textmu) ratio of the molecular quantum state. Here we pre sent a detailed characterization of the m/textmu selector, using a pulsed beam of benzonitrile (C$_6$H$_5$CN) molecules in combination with rotational quantum state resolved detection. The arrival time distribution as well as the transverse velocity distribution of the molecules exiting the selector are measured as a function of ac frequency. The textmu/$Delta$textmu resolution of the selector can be controlled by the applied ac waveforms and a value of up to 20 can be obtained with the present setup. This is sufficient to exclusively transmit molecules in the absolute ground state of benzonitrile, or rather in quantum states that have the same m/textmu value as the ground state. The operation characteristics of the m/textmu selector are in quantitative agreement with the outcome of trajectory simulations.
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