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Tetraquarks in the 1/N Expansion: a New Appraisal

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 نشر من قبل A. D. Polosa
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
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We discuss the necessary, albeit not sufficient, conditions for tetraquark poles to occur in the 1/N expansion of QCD and find the minimum order at which such poles may appear. Assuming tetraquark poles, we find a new non-planar solution with the minimal number of topologies and tetraquark species. The solution implies narrow states. Mixing with quarkonium states is allowed so that P-wave tetraquarks with J^PC=1^-- would couple to e^+e^-.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Diquarks are found to have the right degrees of freedom to describe the tetraquark poles in hidden-charm to open-charm meson-meson amplitudes. Compact tetraquarks result as intermediate states in non-planar diagrams of the 1/N expansion and the corre sponding resonances are narrower than what estimated before. The proximity of tetraquarks to meson-thresholds has an apparent role in this analysis and, in the language of meson molecules, an halving rule in the counting of states is obtained.
The quadrupole moments of ground state baryons are discussed in the framework of the 1/N(c) expansion of QCD, where N(c) is the number of color charges. Theoretical expressions are first provided assuming an exact SU(3) flavor symmetry, and then the effects of symmetry breaking are accounted for to linear order. The rather scarce experimental information available does not allow a detailed comparison between theory and experiment, so the free parameters in the approach are not determined. Instead, some useful new relations among quadrupole moments, valid even in the presence of first-order symmetry breaking, are provided. The overall predictions of the 1/N(c) expansion are quite enlightening.
261 - D.I.Kazakov , G.S.Vartanov 2007
In this paper we review the properties of the 1/$N_f$ expansion in multidimensional theories. Contrary to the usual perturbative expansion it is renormalizable and contains only logarithmic divergencies. The price for it is the presence of ghost stat es which, however, in certain cases do not contribute to physical amplitudes. In this case the theory is unitary and one can calculate the cross-sections. As an example we consider the differential cross section of elastic $eq to eq$ scattering in $D=7,11,...$-dimensional world. We look also for the unification of the gauge couplings in multidimensional Standard Model and its SUSY extension which takes place at energies lower than in 4 dimensions.
432 - Gert Aarts 2008
The 1/N expansion of the two-particle irreducible effective action offers a powerful approach to study quantum field dynamics far from equilibrium. We investigate the effective convergence of the 1/N expansion in the O(N) model by comparing results o btained numerically in 1+1 dimensions at leading, next-to-leading and next-to-next-to-leading order in 1/N as well as in the weak coupling limit. A comparison in classical statistical field theory, where exact numerical results are available, is made as well. We focus on early-time dynamics and quasi-particle properties far from equilibrium and observe rapid effective convergence already for moderate values of 1/N or the coupling.
By employing the $1/N$ expansion, we compute the vacuum energy~$E(deltaepsilon)$ of the two-dimensional supersymmetric (SUSY) $mathbb{C}P^{N-1}$ model on~$mathbb{R}times S^1$ with $mathbb{Z}_N$ twisted boundary conditions to the second order in a SUS Y-breaking parameter~$deltaepsilon$. This quantity was vigorously studied recently by Fujimori et al. using a semi-classical approximation based on the bion, motivated by a possible semi-classical picture on the infrared renormalon. In our calculation, we find that the parameter~$deltaepsilon$ receives renormalization and, after this renormalization, the vacuum energy becomes ultraviolet finite. To the next-to-leading order of the $1/N$ expansion, we find that the vacuum energy normalized by the radius of the~$S^1$, $R$, $RE(deltaepsilon)$ behaves as inverse powers of~$Lambda R$ for~$Lambda R$ small, where $Lambda$ is the dynamical scale. Since $Lambda$ is related to the renormalized t~Hooft coupling~$lambda_R$ as~$Lambdasim e^{-2pi/lambda_R}$, to the order of the $1/N$ expansion we work out, the vacuum energy is a purely non-perturbative quantity and has no well-defined weak coupling expansion in~$lambda_R$.
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