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Study of the $gamma pto pi^0eta p$ reaction with the A2 setup at MAMI

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 نشر من قبل Vahe Sokhoyan
 تاريخ النشر 2018
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The data available from the A2 Collaboration at MAMI were analyzed to select the $gamma pto pi^0eta p$ reaction on an event-by-event basis, which allows for partial-wave analyses of three-body final states to obtain more reliable results, compared to fits to measured distributions. These data provide the worlds best statistical accuracy in the energy range from threshold to $E_{gamma}=1.45$ GeV, allowing a finer energy binning in the measurement of all observables needed for understanding the reaction dynamics. The results obtained for the measured observables are compared to existing models, and the impact from the new data is checked by the fit with the revised Mainz model.

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163 - I. Horn , et al. 2008
The reaction $gamma pto ppi^0eta$ has been studied with the CBELSA detector at the tagged photon beam of the Bonn electron stretcher facility. The reaction shows contributions from $Delta^+(1232)eta$, $N(1535)^+pi^0$ and $pa_0(980)$ as intermediate s tates. A partial wave analysis suggests that the reaction proceeds via formation of six $Delta$ resonances, $Delta(1600)P_{33}$, $Delta(1920)P_{33}$, $Delta(1700)D_{33}$, $Delta(1940)D_{33}$, $Delta(1905)F_{35}$, $Delta(2360)D_{33}$, and two nucleon resonances $N(1880)P_{11}$ and $N(2200)P_{13}$, for which pole positions and decay branching ratios are given.
The first data on target and beam-target asymmetries for the $gamma ptopi^0eta p$ reaction at photon energies from 1050 up to 1450 MeV are presented. The measurements were performed using the Crystal Ball and TAPS detector setup at the Glasgow tagged photon facility of the Mainz Microtron MAMI. The general assumption that the reaction is dominated by the $Delta 3/2^-$ amplitude is confirmed. The data are in particular sensitive to small contributions from other partial waves.
168 - V. Sokhoyan , E. Gutz , V. Crede 2015
The photoproduction of 2$pi^0$ mesons off protons was studied with the Crystal Barrel/TAPS experiment at the electron accelerator ELSA in Bonn. The energy of photons produced in a radiator was tagged in the energy range from 600,MeV to 2.5,GeV. Diffe rential and total cross sections and $ppi^0pi^0$ Dalitz plots are presented. Part of the data was taken with a diamond radiator producing linearly polarized photons, and beam asymmetries were derived. Properties of nucleon and $Delta$ resonances contributing to the $ppi^0pi^0$ final state were determined within the BnGa partial wave analysis. The data presented here allow us to determine branching ratios of nucleon and $Delta$ resonances for their decays into $ppi^0pi^0$ via several intermediate states. Most prominent are decays proceeding via $Delta(1232)pi$, $N(1440)1/2^+pi$, $N(1520)3/2^-pi$, $N(1680)5/2^+pi$, but also $pf_0(500)$, $pf_0(980)$, and $pf_2(1270)$ contribute to the reaction.
A measurement of the double-polarization observable $E$ for the reaction $gamma pto pi^0 p$ is reported. The data were taken with the CBELSA/TAPS experiment at the ELSA facility in Bonn using the Bonn frozen-spin butanol (C$_4$H$_9$OH) target, which provided longitudinally-polarized protons. Circularly-polarized photons were produced via bremsstrahlung of longitudinally-polarized electrons. The data cover the photon energy range from $E_gamma =600$~MeV to $E_gamma =2310$~MeV and nearly the complete angular range. The results are compared to and have been included in recent partial wave analyses.
The Dalitz decays eta -> e^+e^-g and omega -> pi^0 e^+e^- have been measured in the g p -> eta p and g p -> omega p reactions, respectively, with the A2 tagged-photon facility at the Mainz Microtron, MAMI. The value obtained for the slope parameter o f the electromagnetic transition form factor of eta, Lambda^{-2}_eta=(1.97+/-0.11_tot) GeV^{-2}, is in good agreement with previous measurements of the eta -> e^+e^-g and eta -> mu^+mu^-g decays. The uncertainty obtained in the value of Lambda^{-2}_eta is lower than in previous results based on the eta -> e^+e^-g decay. The value obtained for the omega slope parameter, Lambda^{-2}_omega_pi^0 = (1.99+/-0.21_tot) GeV^{-2}, is somewhat lower than previous measurements based on omega -> pi^0 mu^+mu^-, but the results for the omega transition form factor are in better agreement with theoretical calculations, compared to earlier experiments.
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