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A frequency domain analysis of the error distribution from noisy high-frequency data

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 نشر من قبل Jinyuan Chang
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث الاحصاء الرياضي
والبحث باللغة English

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Data observed at high sampling frequency are typically assumed to be an additive composite of a relatively slow-varying continuous-time component, a latent stochastic process or a smooth random function, and measurement error. Supposing that the latent component is an It^{o} diffusion process, we propose to estimate the measurement error density function by applying a deconvolution technique with appropriate localization. Our estimator, which does not require equally-spaced observed times, is consistent and minimax rate optimal. We also investigate estimators of the moments of the error distribution and their properties, propose a frequency domain estimator for the integrated volatility of the underlying stochastic process, and show that it achieves the optimal convergence rate. Simulations and a real data analysis validate our analysis.

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223 - Yusuke Shimizu 2015
We propose an update estimation method for a diffusion parameter from high-frequency dependent data under a nuisance drift element. We ensure the asymptotic equivalence of the estimator to the corresponding quasi-MLE, which has the asymptotic normali ty and the asymptotic efficiency. We give a simulation example to illustrate the theory.
A new vision in multidimensional statistics is proposed impacting severalareas of application. In these applications, a set of noisy measurementscharacterizing the repeatable response of a process is known as a realizationand can be seen as a single point in $mathbb{R}^N$. The projections of thispoint on the N axes correspond to the N measurements. The contemporary visionof a diffuse cloud of realizations distributed in $mathbb{R}^N$ is replaced bya cloud in the shape of a shell surrounding a topological manifold. Thismanifold corresponds to the processs stabilized-response domain observedwithout the measurement noise. The measurement noise, which accumulates overseveral dimensions, distances each realization from the manifold. Theprobability density function (PDF) of the realization-to-manifold distancecreates the shell. Considering the central limit theorem as the number ofdimensions increases, the PDF tends toward the normal distribution N($mu$,$sigma$^2) where $mu$ fixes the center shell location and $sigma$fixes the shell thickness. In vision, the likelihood of a realization is afunction of the realization-to-shell distance rather than therealization-to-manifold distance. The demonstration begins with the work ofClaude Shannon followed by the introduction of the shell manifold and ends withpractical applications to monitoring equipment.
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