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Influence of weak reversible cross-linkers on entangled polymer melt dynamics

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 نشر من قبل Jens-Uwe Sommer
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper we study a system of entangled chains that bear reversible cross-links in a melt state. The cross-links are tethered uniformly on the backbone of each chain. A slip-link type model for the system is presented and solved for the relaxation modulus. The effects of entanglements and reversible cross-linkers are modelled as discrete form of constraints that influence the motion of the primitive path. In contrast to a non-associating entangled system the model calculations demonstrate that the elastic modulus has a much higher first plateau and a delayed terminal relaxation. These effects are attributed to the evolution of the entangled chains as influenced by tethered reversible linkers. The model is solved for the case when linker survival time $tau_s$ is greater than the entanglement time $tau_e$ but less than the Rouse time $tau_R$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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224 - Ji Xuan Hou 2010
We present an extensive set of simulation results for the stress relaxation in equilibrium and step-strained bead-spring polymer melts. The data allow us to explore the chain dynamics and the shear relaxation modulus, $G(t)$, into the plateau regime for chains with $Z=40$ entanglements and into the terminal relaxation regime for $Z=10$. Using the known (Rouse) mobility of unentangled chains and the melt entanglement length determined via the primitive path analysis of the microscopic topological state of our systems, we have performed parameter -free tests of several different tube models. We find excellent agreement for the Likhtman-McLeish theory using the double reptation approximation for constraint release, if we remove the contribution of high-frequency modes to contour length fluctuations of the primitive chain.
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