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The spatial extent of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons emission in the Herbig star HD 179218

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 نشر من قبل Lucas Labadie
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Anas S. Taha

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We investigate in the mid-IR the spatial properties of the PAHs emission in the disk of HD179218. We obtained mid-IR images in the PAH1, PAH2 and Si6 filters at 8.6, 11.3 and 12.5 mu, and N band low-resolution spectra using CanariCam on the GTC. We compared the PSFs measured in the PAH filters to the PSF derived in the Si6 filter, where the thermal continuum dominates. We performed radiative transfer modelling of the spectral energy distribution and produced synthetic images in the three filters to investigate different spatial scenarios. Our data show that the disk emission is spatially resolved in the PAHs filters, while unresolved in the Si6 filter. An average FHWM of 0.232, 0.280 and 0.293 is measured in the three filters. Gaussian disk fitting and quadratic subtraction of the science and calibrator suggest a lower-limit characteristic angular diameter of the emission of circa 100 mas (circa 40 au). The photometric and spectroscopic results are compatible with previous findings. Our radiative transfer (RT) modelling of the continuum suggests that the resolved emission results from PAH molecules on the disk atmosphere being UV-excited by the central star. Geometrical models of the PAH component compared to the underlying continuum point at a PAH emission uniformly extended out to the physical limits of the disks model. Also, our RT best model of the continuum requires a negative exponent of the surface density power-law, in contrast to earlier modelling pointing at a positive exponent. Based on spatial and spectroscopic considerations as well as on qualitative comparison with IRS48 and HD97048, we favor a scenario in which PAHs extend out to large radii across the flared disk surface and are at the same time predominantly in an ionized charge state due to the strong UV radiation field of the 180 L_sun central star.

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The abundance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in low- and high-metallicity galaxies has been widely discussed since the time when detailed infrared data for extragalactic objects were first obtained. On the scales of entire galaxies, a sma ller PAH abundance in lower-metallicity galaxies is often observed. We study this relationship for star-forming regions in nearby galaxies, for a sample containing more than 200 HII complexes, using spatially-resolved observations from the Herschel Space Observatory and Spitzer Space Telescope. We use a model for the dust emission to estimate the physical parameters (PAH abundance, metallicity, ultraviolet radiation field, etc.) of these complexes. The same correlation of PAH abundance with metallicity, as seen for entire galaxies, is apparently preserved at smaller scales, at least when the Kobulnicky & Kewley metallicity calibration is used. We discuss possible reasons for this correlation, noting that traces of less-effective PAH formation in low-metallicity AGB stars should be smeared out by radial mixing in galactic disks. Effective destruction by the harder and more intensive ultraviolet field in low-metallicity environments is qualitatively consistent with our data, as the ultraviolet field intensity, derived from the infrared photometry, is indeed smaller in HII complexes with lower metallicity.
319 - Daniela Calzetti 2010
As images and spectra from ISO and Spitzer have provided increasingly higher-fidelity representations of the mid-infrared (MIR) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission from galaxies and galactic and extra-galactic regions, more systematic efforts have been devoted to establishing whether the emission in this wavelength region can be used as a reliable star formation rate indicator. This has also been in response to the extensive surveys of distant galaxies that have accumulated during the cold phase of the Spitzer Space Telescope. Results so far have been somewhat contradictory, reflecting the complex nature of the PAHs and of the mid-infrared-emitting dust in general. The two main problems faced when attempting to define a star formation rate indicator based on the mid-infrared emission from galaxies and star-forming regions are: (1) the strong dependence of the PAH emission on metallicity; (2) the heating of the PAH dust by evolved stellar populations unrelated to the current star formation. I review the status of the field, with a specific focus on these two problems, and will try to quantify the impact of each on calibrations of the mid-infrared emission as a star formation rate indicator.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are carbon-based molecules resulting from the union of aromatic rings and related species, which are likely responsible for strong infrared emission features (3.3, 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, 11.3 and 12.7 microns). In this work, using a sample of Seyfert galaxies (DL<100 Mpc), we compare the circumnuclear (inner kpc) PAH emission of AGN and star-forming (SF) control samples, and we investigate the difference between the central and extended PAH properties. We employ newly developed PAH diagnostic model grids, derived from theoretical spectra, to compare the predicted and observed PAH ratios. We use Spitzer/InfraRed Spectrograph spectral data for a large sample of Seyfert galaxies and SF galaxies. In general we find that SF galaxies and powerful Seyfert galaxies are located in different regions of the PAH diagnostic diagram, which indicates that the size and charge of the PAH molecules but also the nature and hardness of the radiation field that excite them are different. Our work indicates that powerful AGN seem to favour larger PAH molecules (Nc>400) as well as neutral species. By subtracting the central from the total spectra we are able to compare the PAH emission in the central/extended region of a small sample of AGN. In contrast with the findings for central regions of AGN-dominated systems, we find that the extended emission of both Seyfert types has similar PAH molecular size distribution and ionized fraction of molecules than in central regions of SF galaxies (100< Nc< 300).
While powerful techniques exist to accurately account for anharmonicity in vibrational molecular spectroscopy, they are computationally very expensive and cannot be routinely employed for large species and/or at non- zero vibrational temperatures. Mo tivated by the study of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission in space, we developed a new code, which takes into account all modes and can describe all IR transitions including bands becoming active due to resonances as well as overtones, combination and difference bands. In this article, we describe the methodology that was implemented and discuss how the main difficulties were overcome, so as to keep the problem tractable. Benchmarking with high-level calculations was performed on a small molecule. We carried out specific convergence tests on two prototypical PAHs, pyrene (C$_{16}$H$_{10}$) and coronene (C$_{24}$H$_{12}$), aiming at optimising tunable parameters to achieve both acceptable accuracy and computational costs for this class of molecules. We then report the results obtained at 0 K for pyrene and coronene, comparing the calculated spectra with available experimental data. The theoretical band positions were found to be significantly improved compared to harmonic Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. The band intensities are in reasonable agreement with experiments, the main limitation being the accuracy of the underlying calculations of the quartic force field. This is a first step towards calculating moderately high-temperature spectra of PAHs and other similarly rigid molecules using Monte Carlo sampling.
The amount of deuterium locked up in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has to date been an uncertain value. We present a near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopic survey of HII regions in the Milky Way, Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and Small Magellani c Cloud (SMC) obtained with AKARI, which aims to search for features indicative of deuterated PAHs (PAD or Dn-PAH) to better constrain the D/H ratio of PAHs. Fifty-three HII regions were observed in the NIR (2.5-5 {mu}m), using the Infrared Camera (IRC) on board the AKARI satellite. Through comparison of the observed spectra with a theoretical model of deuterated PAH vibrational modes, the aromatic and (a)symmetric aliphatic C-D stretch modes were identified. We see emission features between 4.4-4.8 {mu}m, which could be unambiguously attributed to deuterated PAHs in only six of the observed sources, all of which are located in the Milky Way. In all cases, the aromatic C-D stretching feature is weaker than the aliphatic C-D stretching feature, and, in the case of M17b, this feature is not observed at all. Based on the weak or absent PAD features in most of the observed spectra, it is suggested that the mechanism for PAH deuteration in the ISM is uncommon.
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