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Quantum routing of single photons with whispering-gallery resonators

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 نشر من قبل Wei Lianfu
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Quantum routing of single photons in a system with two waveguides coupled to two whispering-gallery resonators (WGRs) are investigated theoretically. With a real-space full quantum theory, photonic scattering amplitudes along four ports of the waveguide network are analytically obtained. It is shown that, by adjusting the geometric and physical parameters of the two-WGR configuration, the quantum routing properties of single photons along the present waveguide network can be controlled effectively. For example, the routing capability from input waveguide to another one can significantly exceed 0.5 near the resonance point of scattering spectra, which can be achieved with only one resonator. By properly designing the distance between two WGRs and the waveguide-WGR coupling strengths, the transfer rate between the waveguides can also reach certain sufficiently high values even in the non-resonance regime. Moreover, Fano-like resonances in the scattering spectra are designable. The proposed system may provide a potential application in controlling single-photon quantum routing as a novel router.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We theoretically study the properties of highly prolate shaped dielectric microresonators. Such resonators sustain whispering gallery modes that exhibit two spatially well separated regions with enhanced field strength. The field per photon on the re sonator surface is significantly higher than e.g. for equatorial whispering gallery modes in microsphere resonators with a comparable mode volume. At the same time, the frequency spacing of these modes is much more favorable, so that a tuning range of several free spectral ranges should be attainable. We discuss the possible application of such resonators for cavity quantum electrodynamics experiments with neutral atoms and reveal distinct advantages with respect to existing concepts.
Optical Whispering Gallery Modes (WGMs) derive their name from a famous acoustic phenomenon of guiding a wave by a curved boundary observed nearly a century ago. This phenomenon has a rather general nature, equally applicable to sound and all other w aves. It enables resonators of unique properties attractive both in science and engineering. Very high quality factors of optical WGM resonators persisting in a wide wavelength range spanning from radio frequencies to ultraviolet light, their small mode volume, and tunable in- and out- coupling make them exceptionally efficient for nonlinear optical applications. Nonlinear optics facilitates interaction of photons with each other and with other physical systems, and is of prime importance in quantum optics. In this paper we review numerous applications of WGM resonators in nonlinear and quantum optics. We outline the current areas of interest, summarize progress, highlight difficulties, and discuss possible future development trends in these areas.
262 - D. L. McAuslan , D. Korystov , 2011
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We introduce a microwave circuit architecture for quantum signal processing combining design principles borrowed from high-Q 3D resonators in the quantum regime and from planar structures fabricated with standard lithography. The resulting 2.5D whisp ering-gallery mode resonators store 98% of their energy in vacuum. We have measured internal quality factors above 3 million at the single photon level and have used the device as a materials characterization platform to place an upper bound on the surface resistance of thin film aluminum of less than 250nOhms.
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We theoretically propose a scheme to realize rotation sensing based on two coupled whispering-gallery-mode resonators with loss and gain. We consider that the active resonator with gain is rotated while the passive one with loss is stationary. The ro tation will induce Sagnac effect and we show that the eigenfrequencies of the supermodes are sensitive to the Sagnac-Fizeau shift. Therefore, we can measure the average photon number in the steady state or the fluctuation spectrum of the output fields to detect the angular velocity of the rotation. We hope that our investigation will be useful in the design of quantum gyroscope based on spinning resonators.
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