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Characterization of an Ionization Readout Tile for nEXO

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 نشر من قبل Michael Jewell
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A new design for the anode of a time projection chamber, consisting of a charge-detecting tile, is investigated for use in large scale liquid xenon detectors. The tile is produced by depositing 60 orthogonal metal charge-collecting strips, 3~mm wide, on a 10~si{cm} $times$ 10~si{cm} fused-silica wafer. These charge tiles may be employed by large detectors, such as the proposed tonne-scale nEXO experiment to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay. Modular by design, an array of tiles can cover a sizable area. The width of each strip is small compared to the size of the tile, so a Frisch grid is not required. A grid-less, tiled anode design is beneficial for an experiment such as nEXO, where a wire tensioning support structure and Frisch grid might contribute radioactive backgrounds and would have to be designed to accommodate cycling to cryogenic temperatures. The segmented anode also reduces some degeneracies in signal reconstruction that arise in large-area crossed-wire time projection chambers. A prototype tile was tested in a cell containing liquid xenon. Very good agreement is achieved between the measured ionization spectrum of a $^{207}$Bi source and simulations that include the microphysics of recombination in xenon and a detailed modeling of the electrostatic field of the detector. An energy resolution $sigma/E$=5.5% is observed at 570~si{keV}, comparable to the best intrinsic ionization-only resolution reported in literature for liquid xenon at 936~V/si{cm}.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) are attractive candidates for light detectors for next generation liquid xenon double-beta decay experiments, like nEXO. In this paper we discuss the requirements that the SiPMs must satisfy in order to be suitable fo r nEXO and similar experiments, describe the two test setups operated by the nEXO collaboration, and present the results of characterization of SiPMs from several vendors. In particular, we find that the photon detection efficiency at the peak of xenon scintillation light emission (175-178 nm) approaches the nEXO requirements for tested FBK and Hamamatsu devices. Additionally, the nEXO collaboration performed radioassay of several grams of bare FBK devices using neutron activation analysis, indicating levels of 40K, 232Th, and 238U of the order of <0.15, (6.9e10-4 - 1.3e10-2), and <0.11 mBq/kg, respectively.
76 - Z. Li , W.R. Cen , A. Robinson 2019
nEXO is a proposed experiment to search for the neutrino-less double beta decay ($0 ubetabeta$) of $^{136}$Xe in a tonne-scale liquid xenon time projection chamber (TPC). The nEXO TPC will be equipped with charge collection tiles to form the anode. I n this work, the charge reconstruction performance of this anode design is studied with a dedicated simulation package. A multi-variate method and a deep neural network are developed to distinguish simulated $0 ubetabeta$ signals from backgrounds arising from trace levels of natural radioactivity in the detector materials. These simulations indicate that the nEXO TPC with charge-collection tiles shows promising capability to discriminate the $0 ubetabeta$ signal from backgrounds. The estimated half-life sensitivity for $0 ubetabeta$ decay is improved by $sim$20$~(32)%$ with the multi-variate~(deep neural network) methods considered here, relative to the sensitivity estimated in the nEXO pre-conceptual design report.
802 - M.Danilov 2007
The CALICE collaboration is presently constructing a test hadron calorimeter (HCAL) with 7620 scintillator tiles read out by novel photo-detectors - Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs). This prototype is the first device which uses SiPMs on a large scal e. We present the design of the HCAL and report on measured properties of more than 10 thousand SiPMs. We discuss the SiPM efficiency, gain, cross-talk, and noise rate dependence on bias voltage and temperature, including the spread in these parameters. We analyze the reasons for SiPM rejection and present the results of the long term stability studies. The first measurements of the SiPM radiation hardness are presented. We compare properties of SiPM with the properties of similar devices, MRS APD and MPPC. A possibility to make the tiles thinner and to read them out without WLS fibers has been studied.
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