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Signatures of van der Waals binding: a coupling-constant scaling analysis

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 نشر من قبل Yang Jiao
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The van der Waals (vdW) density functional (vdW-DF) method [ROPP 78, 066501 (2015)] describes dispersion or vdW binding by tracking the effects of an electrodynamic coupling among pairs of electrons and their associated exchange-correlation holes. This is done in a nonlocal-correlation energy term $E_c^{nl}$, which permits density functional theory calculation in the Kohn-Sham scheme. However, to map the nature of vdW forces in the fully interacting materials system, it is necessary to compensate for associated kinetic-correlation energy effects. Here we present a coupling-constant scaling analysis that also permits us to compute the kinetic-correlation energy $T_c^{nl}$ that is specific to the vdW-DF account of nonlocal correlations. We thus provide a spatially-resolved analysis of the total nonlocal-correlation binding, including vdW forces, in both covalently and non-covalently bonded systems. We find that kinetic-correlation energy effects play a significant role in the account of vdW or dispersion interactions among molecules. We also find that the signatures that we reveal in our full-interaction mapping are typically given by the spatial variation in the $E_c^{nl}$ binding contributions, at least in a qualitative discussion. Furthermore, our full mapping shows that the total nonlocal-correlation binding is concentrated to pockets in the sparse electron distribution located between the material fragments.

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