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A simple model for the transmission of pairs of electrons through a weak electric link in the form of a nanowire made of a material with strong electron spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is presented, with emphasis on the effects of Coulomb interactions and the Pauli exclusion principle. The constraints due to the Pauli principle are shown to quench the coherent SOI-induced precession of the spins when the spatial wave packets of the two electrons overlap significantly. The quenching, which results from the projection of the pairs spin states onto spin-up and spin-down states on the link, breaks up the coherent propagation in the link into a sequence of coherent hops that add incoherently. Applying the model to the transmission of Cooper pairs between two superconductors, we find that in spite of Pauli quenching, the Josephson current oscillates with the strength of the SOI, and may even change its sign. Conditions for an experimental detection of these features are discussed.
We show that a carbon nanotube can serve as a functional electric weak link performing photo-spintronic transduction. A spin current, facilitated by strong spin-orbit interactions in the nanotube and not accompanied by a charge current, is induced in
The quantum correction to electrical conductivity is studied on the basis of two-dimensional Wolff Hamiltonian, which is an effective model for a spin-orbit coupled (SOC) lattice system. It is shown that weak anti-localization (WAL) arises in SOC lat
We detect in real time inter-dot tunneling events in a weakly coupled two electron double quantum dot in GaAs. At finite magnetic fields, we observe two characteristic tunneling times, T_d and T_b, belonging to, respectively, a direct and a blocked (
We theoretically study spin-transfer torque (STT) in a graphene system with spin-orbit coupling (SOC). We consider a graphene-based junction where the spin-orbit coupled region is sandwiched between two ferromagnetic (F) segments. The magnetization i
Using response theory, we calculate the charge-current vortex generated by spin pumping at a point-like contact in a system with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We discuss the spatial profile of the current density for finite temperature and for the zero