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Kinematics and Structure of Star-forming Regions: Insights from Cold Collapse Models

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 نشر من قبل Aleksandra Kuznetsova
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The origin of the observed morphological and kinematic substructure of young star forming regions is a matter of debate. We offer a new analysis of data from simulations of globally gravitationally collapsing clouds of progenitor gas to answer questions about sub-structured star formation in the context of cold collapse. As a specific example, we compare our models to recent radial velocity survey data from the IN-SYNC survey of Orion and new observations of dense gas kinematics, and offer possible interpretations of kinematic and morphological signatures in the region. In the context of our model, we find the frequently-observed hub-filament morphology of the gas naturally arises during gravitational evolution, as well as the dynamically-distinct kinematic substructure of stars. We emphasize that the global and not just the local gravitational potential plays an important role in determining the dynamics of both clusters and filaments.

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VLBI multi-epoch water maser observations are a powerful tool to study the dense, warm shocked gas very close to massive protostars. The very high-angular resolution of these observations allow us to measure the proper motions of the masers in a few weeks, and together with the radial velocity, to determine their full kinematics. In this paper we present a summary of the main observational results obtained toward the massive star-forming regions of Cepheus A and W75N, among them: (i) the identification of different centers of high-mass star formation activity at scales of 100 AU; (ii) the discovery of new phenomena associated with the early stages of high-mass protostellar evolution (e.g., isotropic gas ejections); and (iii) the identification of the simultaneous presence of a wide-angle outflow and a highly collimated jet in the massive object Cep A HW2, similar to what is observed in some low-mass protostars. Some of the implications of these results in the study of high-mass star formation are discussed.
318 - Laurent Loinard 2009
Multi-epoch radio-interferometric observations of young stellar objects can be used to measure their displacement over the celestial sphere with a level of accuracy that currently cannot be attained at any other wavelength. In particular, the accurac y achieved using carefully calibrated, phase-referenced observations with Very Long Baseline Interferometers such as NRAOs Very Long Baseline Array is better than 50 micro-arcseconds. This is sufficient to measure the trigonometric parallax and the proper motion of any radio-emitting young star within several hundred parsecs of the Sun with an accuracy better than a few percent. Using that technique, the mean distances to Taurus, Ophiuchus, Perseus and Orion have already been measured to unprecedented accuracy. With improved telescopes and equipment, the distance to all star-forming regions within 1 kpc of the Sun and beyond, as well as their internal structure and dynamics could be determined. This would significantly improve our ability to compare the observational properties of young stellar objects with theoretical predictions, and would have a major impact on our understanding of low-mass star-formation.
We present results of a survey of 14 star-forming regions from the Perseus spiral arm in CS(2-1) and 13CO(1-0) lines with the Onsala Space Observatory 20 m telescope. Maps of 10 sources in both lines were obtained. For the remaining sources a map in just one line or a single-point spectrum were obtained. On the basis of newly obtained and published observational data we consider the relation between velocities of the quasi-thermal CS(2-1) line and 6.7 GHz methanol maser line in 24 high-mass star-forming regions in the Perseus arm. We show that, surprisingly, velocity ranges of 6.7 GHz methanol maser emission are predominantly red-shifted with respect to corresponding CS(2-1) line velocity ranges in the Perseus arm. We suggest that the predominance of the red-shifted masers in the Perseus arm could be related to the alignment of gas flows caused by the large-scale motions in the Galaxy. Large-scale galactic shock related to the spiral structure is supposed to affect the local kinematics of the star-forming regions. Part of the Perseus arm, between galactic longitudes from 85deg to 124deg, does not contain blue-shifted masers at all. Radial velocities of the sources are the greatest in this particular part of the arm, so the velocity difference is clearly pronounced. 13CO(1-0) and CS(2-1) velocity maps of G183.35-0.58 show gas velocity difference between the center and the periphery of the molecular clump up to 1.2 km/s. Similar situation is likely to occur in G85.40-0.00. This can correspond to the case when the large-scale shock wave entrains the outer parts of a molecular clump in motion while the dense central clump is less affected by the shock.
Through synthetic observations of a hydrodynamical simulation of an evolving star-forming region, we assess how the choice of observational techniques affects the measurements of properties which trace star formation. Testing and calibrating observat ional measurements requires synthetic observations which are as realistic as possible. In this part of the paper series (Paper I), we explore different techniques for how to map the distributions of densities and temperatures from the particle-based simulations onto a Voronoi mesh suitable for radiative transfer and consequently explore their accuracy. We further test different ways to set up the radiative transfer in order to produce realistic synthetic observations. We give a detailed description of all methods and ultimately recommend techniques. We have found that the flux around 20 microns is strongly overestimated when blindly coupling the dust radiative transfer temperature with the hydrodynamical gas temperature. We find that when instead assuming a constant background dust temperature in addition to the radiative transfer heating, the recovered flux is consistent with actual observations. We present around 5800 realistic synthetic observations for Spitzer and Herschel bands, at different evolutionary time-steps, distances and orientations. In the upcoming papers of this series (Paper II, Paper III and Paper IV), we will test and calibrate measurements of the star-formation rate (SFR), gas mass and the star-formation efficiency (SFE) using our realistic synthetic observations.
Through an extensive set of realistic synthetic observations (produced in Paper I), we assess in this part of the paper series (Paper III) how the choice of observational techniques affects the measurement of star-formation rates (SFRs) in star-formi ng regions. We test the accuracy of commonly used techniques and construct new methods to extract the SFR, so that these findings can be applied to measure the SFR in real regions throughout the Milky Way. We investigate diffuse infrared SFR tracers such as those using 24 {mu}m, 70 {mu}m and total infrared emission, which have been previously calibrated for global galaxy scales. We set up a toy model of a galaxy and show that the infrared emission is consistent with the intrinsic SFR using extra-galactic calibrated laws (although the consistency does not prove their reliability). For local scales, we show that these techniques produce completely unreliable results for single star-forming regions, which are governed by different characteristic timescales. We show how calibration of these techniques can be improved for single star-forming regions by adjusting the characteristic timescale and the scaling factor and give suggestions of new calibrations of the diffuse star-formation tracers. We show that star-forming regions that are dominated by high-mass stellar feedback experience a rapid drop in infrared emission once high-mass stellar feedback is turned on, which implies different characteristic timescales. Moreover, we explore the measured SFRs calculated directly from the observed young stellar population. We find that the measured point sources follow the evolutionary pace of star formation more directly than diffuse star-formation tracers.
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