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CELES: CUDA-accelerated simulation of electromagnetic scattering by large ensembles of spheres

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 نشر من قبل Amos Egel
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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CELES is a freely available MATLAB toolbox to simulate light scattering by many spherical particles. Aiming at high computational performance, CELES leverages block-diagonal preconditioning, a lookup-table approach to evaluate costly functions and massively parallel execution on NVIDIA graphics processing units using the CUDA computing platform. The combination of these techniques allows to efficiently address large electrodynamic problems ($>10^4$ scatterers) on inexpensive consumer hardware. In this paper, we validate near- and far-field distributions against the well-established multi-sphere $T$-matrix (MSTM) code and discuss the convergence behavior for ensembles of different sizes, including an exemplary system comprising $10^5$ particles.

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اقرأ أيضاً

342 - Lixin Ge , Dezhuan Han , Jian Zi 2015
The electromagnetic scattering properties of topological insulator (TI) spheres are systematically studied in this paper. Unconventional backward scattering caused by the topological magneto-electric (TME) effect of TIs are found in both Rayleigh and Mie scattering regimes. This enhanced backward scattering can be achieved by introducing an impedance-matched background which can suppress the bulk scattering. For the cross-polarized scattering coefficients, interesting antiresonances are found in the Mie scattering regime, wherein the cross-polarized electromagnetic fields induced by the TME effect are trapped inside TI spheres. In the Rayleigh limit, the quantized TME effect of TIs can be determined by measuring the electric-field components of scattered waves in the far field.
Numerical solution of reaction-diffusion equations in three dimensions is one of the most challenging applied mathematical problems. Since these simulations are very time consuming, any ideas and strategies aiming at the reduction of CPU time are imp ortant topics of research. A general and robust idea is the parallelization of source codes/programs. Recently, the technological development of graphics hardware created a possibility to use desktop video cards to solve numerically intensive problems. We present a powerful parallel computing framework to solve reaction-diffusion equations numerically using the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) with CUDA. Four different reaction-diffusion problems, (i) diffusion of chemically inert compound, (ii) Turing pattern formation, (iii) phase separation in the wake of a moving diffusion front and (iv) air pollution dispersion were solved, and additionally both the Shared method and the Moving Tiles method were tested. Our results show that parallel implementation achieves typical acceleration values in the order of 5-40 times compared to CPU using a single-threaded implementation on a 2.8 GHz desktop computer.
We developed a fast numerical algorithm for solving the three dimensional vectorial Helmholtz equation that arises in electromagnetic scattering problems. The algorithm is based on electric field integral equations and is essentially a boundary eleme nt method. Nystroms quadrature rule with a triangular grid is employed to linearize the integral equations, which are then solved by using a right-preconditioned iterative method. We apply the fast multipole technique to accelerate the matrix-vector multiplications in the iterations. We demonstrate the broad applications and accuracy of this method with practical examples including dielectric, plasmonic and metallic objects. We then apply the method to investigate the plasmonic properties of a silver torus and a silver split-ring resonator under the incidence of an electromagnetic plane wave. We show the silver torus can be used as a trapping tool to bind small dielectric or metallic particles.
Electromagnetic (EM) wave scattering by many parallel infinite cylinders is studied asymptotically as a tends to 0, where a is the radius of the cylinders. It is assumed that the centres of the cylinders are distributed so that their numbers is deter mined by some positive function N(x). The function N(x) >= 0 is a given continuous function. An equation for the self-consistent (limiting) field is derived as a tends to 0. The cylinders are assumed perfectly conducting. Formula for the effective refraction coefficient of the new medium, obtained by embedding many thin cylinders into a given region, is derived. The numerical results presented demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach and its efficiency for solving the many-body scattering problems, as well as the possibility to create media with negative refraction coefficients.
The Photonic hybRid EleCtromagnetic SolvEr (PRECISE) is a Matlab based library to model large and complex photonics integrated circuits. Each circuit is modularly described in terms of waveguide segments connected through multiport nodes. Linear, non linear, and dynamical phenomena are simulated by solving the system of differential equations describing the effect to be considered. By exploiting the steady state approximation of the electromagnetic field within each node device, the library can handle large and complex circuits even on desktop PC. We show that the steady state assumption is fulfilled in a broad number of applications and we compare its accuracy with analytical model (coupled mode theory) and experimental results. PRECISE is highly modular and easily extensible to handle equations different from those already implemented and is, thus, a flexible tool to model the increasingly complex photonic circuits.
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