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Lifshits tails for randomly twisted quantum waveguides

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 نشر من قبل Georgi Raikov
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider the Dirichlet Laplacian $H_gamma$ on a 3D twisted waveguide with random Anderson-type twisting $gamma$. We introduce the integrated density of states $N_gamma$ for the operator $H_gamma$, and investigate the Lifshits tails of $N_gamma$, i.e. the asymptotic behavior of $N_gamma(E)$ as $E downarrow inf {rm supp}, dN_gamma$. In particular, we study the dependence of the Lifshits exponent on the decay rate of the single-site twisting at infinity.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We make a spectral analysis of the massive Dirac operator in a tubular neighborhood of an unbounded planar curve,subject to infinite mass boundary conditions. Under general assumptions on the curvature, we locate the essential spectrum and derive an effective Hamiltonian on the base curve which approximates the original operator in the thin-strip limit. We also investigate the existence of bound states in the non-relativistic limit and give a geometric quantitative condition for the bound states to exist.
We consider Schr{o}dinger operators on $L^{2}({mathbb R}^{d})otimes L^{2}({mathbb R}^{ell})$ of the form $ H_{omega}~=~H_{perp}otimes I_{parallel} + I_{perp} otimes {H_parallel} + V_{omega}$, where $H_{perp}$ and $H_{parallel}$ are Schr{o}dinger oper ators on $L^{2}({mathbb R}^{d})$ and $L^{2}({mathbb R}^{ell})$ respectively, and $ V_omega(x,y)$ : = $sum_{xi in {mathbb Z}^{d}} lambda_xi(omega) v(x - xi, y)$, $x in {mathbb R}^d$, $y in {mathbb R}^ell$, is a random surface potential. We investigate the behavior of the integrated density of surface states of $H_{omega}$ near the bottom of the spectrum and near internal band edges. The main result of the current paper is that, under suitable assumptions, the behavior of the integrated density of surface states of $H_{omega}$ can be read off from the integrated density of states of a reduced Hamiltonian $H_{perp}+W_{omega}$ where $W_{omega}$ is a quantum mechanical average of $V_{omega}$ with respect to $y in {mathbb R}^ell$. We are particularly interested in cases when $H_{perp}$ is a magnetic Schr{o}dinger operator, but we also recover some of the results from [24] for non-magnetic $H_{perp}$.
We consider Schrodinger operators with a random potential which is the square of an alloy-type potential. We investigate their integrated density of states and prove Lifshits tails. Our interest in this type of models is triggered by an investigation of randomly twisted waveguides.
In this paper we study the influence of an electric field on a two dimen-sional waveguide. We show that bound states that occur under a geometrical deformation of the guide turn into resonances when we apply an electric field of small intensity havin g a nonzero component on the longitudinal direction of the system. MSC-2010 number: 35B34,35P25, 81Q10, 82D77.
228 - Georgi Raikov 2014
We consider the twisted waveguide $Omega_theta$, i.e. the domain obtained by the rotation of the bounded cross section $omega subset {mathbb R}^{2}$ of the straight tube $Omega : = omega times {mathbb R}$ at angle $theta$ which depends on the variabl e along the axis of $Omega$. We study the spectral properties of the Dirichlet Laplacian in $Omega_theta$, unitarily equivalent under the diffeomorphism $Omega_theta to Omega$ to the operator $H_{theta}$, self-adjoint in ${rm L}^2(Omega)$. We assume that $theta = beta - epsilon$ where $beta$ is a $2pi$-periodic function, and $epsilon$ decays at infinity. Then in the spectrum $sigma(H_beta)$ of the unperturbed operator $H_beta$ there is a semi-bounded gap $(-infty, {mathcal E}_0^+)$, and, possibly, a number of bounded open gaps $({mathcal E}_j^-, {mathcal E}_j^+)$. Since $epsilon$ decays at infinity, the essential spectra of $H_beta$ and $H_{beta - epsilon}$ coincide. We investigate the asymptotic behaviour of the discrete spectrum of $H_{beta - epsilon}$ near an arbitrary fixed spectral edge ${mathcal E}_j^pm$. We establish necessary and quite close sufficient conditions which guarantee the finiteness of $sigma_{rm disc}(H_{beta-epsilon})$ in a neighbourhood of ${mathcal E}_j^pm$. In the case where the necessary conditions are violated, we obtain the main asymptotic term of the corresponding eigenvalue counting function. The effective Hamiltonian which governs the the asymptotics of $sigma_{rm disc}(H_{beta-epsilon})$ near ${mathcal E}_j^pm$ could be represented as a finite orthogonal sum of operators of the form $-mufrac{d^2}{dx^2} - eta epsilon$, self-adjoint in ${rm L}^2({mathbb R})$; here, $mu > 0$ is a constant related to the so-called effective mass, while $eta$ is $2pi$-periodic function depending on $beta$ and $omega$.
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