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Giant non-linear interaction between two optical beams via a quantum dot embeddedin a photonic wire

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 نشر من قبل Jean-Philippe Poizat
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف H.A Nguyen

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Optical non-linearities usually appear for large intensities, but discrete transitions allow for giant non-linearities operating at the single photon level. This has been demonstrated in the last decade for a single optical mode with cold atomic gases, or single two-level systems coupled to light via a tailored photonic environment. Here we demonstrate a two-modes giant non-linearity by using a three-level structure in a single semiconductor quantum dot (QD) embedded in a photonic wire antenna. The large coupling efficiency and the broad operation bandwidth of the photonic wire enable us to have two different laser beams interacting with the QD in order to control the reflectivity of a laser beam with the other one using as few as 10 photons per QD lifetime. We discuss the possibilities offered by this easily integrable system for ultra-low power logical gates and optical quantum gates.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Second-order optical nonlinearities can be greatly enhanced by orders of magnitude in resonantly excited nanostructures, theoretically predicted and experimentally investigated in a variety of semiconductor systems. These resonant nonlinearities cont inually attract attention, particularly in newly discovered materials, but tend not to be as efficient as currently predicted. This limits their exploitation in frequency conversion. Here, we present a clear-cut theoretical and experimental demonstration that the second-order nonlinear susceptibility can vary by orders of magnitude as a result of giant cancellation effects in systems with many confined quantum states. Using terahertz quantum cascade lasers as a model source to investigate interband and intersubband resonant nonlinearities, we show that these giant cancellations are a result of interfering second-order nonlinear contributions of light and heavy hole states. As well as of importance to understand and engineer the resonant optical properties of materials, this work can be employed as a new, extremely sensitive tool to elucidate the bandstructure properties of complex quantum well systems.
Giant optical nonlinearity is observed under both continuous-wave and pulsed excitation in a deterministically-coupled quantum dot-micropillar system, in a pronounced strong-coupling regime. Using absolute reflectivity measurements we determine the c ritical intracavity photon number as well as the input and output coupling efficiencies of the device. Thanks to a near-unity input-coupling efficiency, we demonstrate a record nonlinearity threshold of only 8 incident photons per pulse. The output-coupling efficiency is found to strongly influence this nonlinearity threshold. We show how the fundamental limit of single-photon nonlinearity can be attained in realistic devices, which would provide an effective interaction between two coincident single photons.
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