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A short-orbit spectrometer for low-energy pion detection in electroproduction experiments at MAMI

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 نشر من قبل Ivica Fri\\v{s}\\v{c}i\\'c
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A new Short-Orbit Spectrometer (SOS) has been constructed and installed within the experimental facility of the A1 collaboration at Mainz Microtron (MAMI), with the goal to detect low-energy pions. It is equipped with a Browne-Buechner magnet and a detector system consisting of two helium-ethane based drift chambers and a scintillator telescope made of five layers. The detector system allows detection of pions in the momentum range of 50 - 147 MeV/c, which corresponds to 8.7 - 63 MeV kinetic energy. The spectrometer can be placed at a distance range of 54 - 66 cm from the target center. Two collimators are available for the measurements, one having 1.8 msr aperture and the other having 7 msr aperture. The Short-Orbit Spectrometer has been successfully calibrated and used in coincidence measurements together with the standard magnetic spectrometers of the A1 collaboration.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We propose a new method for absolute momentum calibration of magnetic spectrometers used in nuclear physics, using the time-of-flight (TOF), differences of pairs of particles with different masses. In cases where the flight path is not known, a calib ration can be determined by using the TOF differences of two pair combinations of three particles. A Cherenkov detector, read out by a radio frequency photomultiplier tube, is considered as the high-resolution and highly stable TOF detector. By means of Monte Carlo simulations it is demonstrated that the magnetic spectrometers at the MAMI electron-scattering facility can be calibrated absolutely with an accuracy $delta p/pleq 10^{-4}$, which will be crucial for high precision determination of hypernuclear masses.
A fast neutron spectrometer consisting of segmented plastic scintillator and He-3 proportional counters was constructed for the measurement of neutrons in the energy range 1 MeV to 200 MeV. We discuss its design, principles of operation, and the meth od of analysis. The detector is capable of observing very low neutron fluxes in the presence of ambient gamma background and does not require scintillator pulseshape discrimination. The spectrometer was characterized for its energy response in fast neutron fields of 2.5 MeV and 14 MeV, and the results are compared with Monte Carlo simulations. Measurements of the fast neutron flux and energy response at 120 m above sea-level (39.130 deg. N, 77.218 deg. W) and at a depth of 560 m in a limestone mine are presented. Finally, the design of a spectrometer with improved sensitivity and energy resolution is discussed.
A characterisation of scintillating fibres with silicon photomultiplier read-out was performed in view of their possible application in fibre tracking detector systems. Such a concept is being considered for the Kaos spectrometer at the Mainz Microtr on MAMI and as a time-of-flight start detector for the hypernuclear physics programme at the PANDA experiment of the FAIR project. Results on particle detection effciency and time resolution are discussed. In summary, the silicon devices are very suitable for the detection of the low light yield from scintillating fibres insofar a trigger scheme is found to cope with the noise rate characteristics.
New operation mode, separated flow mode, has been developed for in-flight proton decay experiments with the SHARAQ spectrometer. In the separated flow mode, the protons and the heavy-ion products are separated and measured in coincidence at two diffe rent focal planes of SHARAQ. The ion-optical properties of the new mode were studied by using a proton beam at $246~{rm MeV}$, and the momentum vector was properly reconstructed from the parameters measured in the focal plane of SHARAQ. In the experiment with the $({}^{16}{rm O},{}^{16}{rm F})$ reaction at a beam energy of $247~{rm MeV/u}$, the outgoing ${}^{15}{rm O}+p$ produced by the decay of ${}^{16}{rm F}$ were measured in coincidence with SHARAQ. High energy resolutions of $100~{rm keV}$ (FWHM) and $sim 2~{rm MeV}$ were achieved for the relative energy of $535~{rm keV}$, and the ${}^{16}{rm F}$ energy of $3940~{rm MeV}$, respectively.
282 - Patrick Achenbach 2011
An instrument of central importance for the strangeness photo- and electroproduction at the 1.5-GeV electron beam of the MAMI accelerator at the Institut fur Kernphysik in Mainz, Germany, is the newly installed magnetic spectrometer Kaos that is oper ated by the A1 collaboration in $(e,eK)$ reactions on the proton or light nuclei. Its compact design and its capability to detect negative and positive charged particles simultaneously complements the existing spectrometers. The strangeness program performed with Kaos in 2008-9 is addressing some important issues in the field of elementary kaon photo- and electroproduction reactions. Although recent measurements have been performed at Jefferson Lab, there are still a number of open problems in the interpretation of the data and the description of the elementary process using phenomenological models. With the identification of $Lambda$ and $Sigma^0$ hyperons in the missing mass spectra from kaon production off a liquid hydrogen target it is demonstrated that the extended facility at MAMI is capable to perform strangeness electroproduction spectroscopy at low momentum transfers $Q^2$ < 0.5 (GeV/c)$^2$. The covered kinematics and systematic uncertainties in the cross-section extraction from the data are discussed.
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