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Sunspots rotation and magnetic transients associated with flares in NOAA AR 11429

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 نشر من قبل Jianchuan Zheng
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We analyze sunspots rotation and magnetic transients in NOAA AR 11429 during two X-class (X5.4 and X1.3) flares using the data from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board the emph{Solar Dynamics Observatory}. A large leading sunspot with positive magnetic polarity rotated counterclockwise. As expected, the rotation was significantly affected by the two flares. The magnetic transients induced by the flares were clearly evident in the sunspots with negative polarity. They were moving across the sunspots with speed of order $3-7 rm km s^{-1}$. Furthermore, the trend of magnetic flux evolution of these sunspots exhibited changes associated with the flares. These results may shed light on the understanding of the evolution of sunspots.

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150 - X. Cheng , J. Zhang , M. D. Ding 2011
We investigate the distinct properties of two types of flares: eruptive flares associated with CMEs and confined flares without CMEs. Our sample of study includes nine M and X-class flares, all from the same active region (AR), six of which are confi ned and three others are eruptive. The confined flares tend to be more impulsive in the soft X-ray time profiles and show more slender shapes in the EIT 195 A images, while the eruptive ones are of long-duration events and show much more extended brightening regions. The location of the confined flares are closer to the center of the AR, while the eruptive flares are at the outskirts. This difference is quantified by the displacement parameter, the distance between the AR center and the flare location: the average displacement of the six confined flares is 16 Mm, while that of eruptive ones is as large as 39 Mm. Further, through nonlinear force-free field extrapolation, we find that the decay index of the transverse magnetic field in the low corona (~10 Mm) have a larger value for eruptive flares than that for confined one. In addition, the strength of the transverse magnetic field over the eruptive flare sites is weaker than that over the confined ones. These results demonstrate that the strength and the decay index of background magnetic field may determine whether or not a flare be eruptive or confined. The implication of these results on CME models is discussed in the context of torus instability of flux rope.
The rotation of sunspots of 2 yr in two different solar cycles is studied with the data from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board the it Solar Dynamics Observatory rm and the Michelson Doppler Imager instrument on board the it Solar and Heli ospheric Observataory.rm We choose the $alpha$ sunspot groups and the relatively large and stable sunspots of complex active regions in our sample. In the year of 2003, the $alpha$ sunspot groups and the preceding sunspots tend to rotate counterclockwise and have positive magnetic polarity in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, the magnetic polarity and rotational tendency of the $alpha$ sunspot groups and the preceding sunspots are opposite to the northern hemisphere. The average rotational speed of these sunspots in 2003 is about $0^{circ}.65 rm hr^{-1}$. From 2014 January to 2015 February, the $alpha$ sunspot groups and the preceding sunspots tend to rotate clockwise and have negative magnetic polarity in the northern hemisphere. The patterns of rotation and magnetic polarity of the southern hemisphere are also opposite to those of the northern hemisphere. The average rotational speed of these sunspots in 2014/2015 is about $1^{circ}.49 rm hr^{-1}$. The rotation of the relatively large and stable preceding sunspots and that of the $alpha$ sunspot groups located in the same hemisphere have opposite rotational direction in 2003 and 2014/2015.
Recently, two strong homologous white light flares of X-GOES class occurred on the Sun on Sept. 06, 2017, providing a rare exceptional opportunity to study the mechanisms responsible for the formation of the magnetic field configurations suitable for the manifestation of such yet enigmatic eruptive events and their effects in the lower layers of the solar atmosphere. Using photospheric vector magnetograms, taken before the beginning of the two X-class events, as boundary conditions to reconstruct the non$-$linear coronal magnetic field configuration, we identified two related 3D null points located at low heights above the photosphere (i.e. in very low corona). These null points are most likely responsible for the triggering of the two strong X-GOES class flares. We deduced that their formation at such low altitudes may plausibly be ascribed to the peculiar photospheric horizontal motions of the main magnetic structures of the hosting Active Region NOAA 12673. These events can be adopted as a hint for a possible interpretation of the activity of young G-type stars, recently reported by the Kepler mission. We argued that a possible explanation of the acceleration of huge numbers of particles producing white light emission, during the Sept. 6 events as well as during white light flares in young Sun-like stars, might be attributed to the special accompanying conditions of the occurrence of magnetic reconnection at low altitudes of their atmospheres.
Penumbral transient brightening events have been attributed to magnetic reconnection episodes occurring in the low corona. We investigated the trigger mechanism of these events in active region NOAA 12546 by using multi-wavelength observations obtain ed with the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer (IBIS), by the textit{Solar Dynamics Observatory} (SDO), the textit{Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph} (IRIS), and the textit{Hinode} satellites. We focused on the evolution of an area of the penumbra adjacent to two small-scale emerging flux regions (EFRs), which manifested three brightening events detected from the chromosphere to the corona. Two of these events correspond to B-class flares. The same region showed short-lived moving magnetic features (MMFs) that streamed out from the penumbra. In the photosphere, the EFRs led to small-scale penumbral changes associated with a counter-Evershed flow and to a reconfiguration of the magnetic fields in the moat. The brightening events had one of the footpoints embedded in the penumbra and seemed to result from the distinctive interplay between the pre-existing penumbral fields, MMFs, and the EFRs. The textit{IRIS} spectra measured therein reveal enhanced temperature and asymmetries in spectral lines, suggestive of event triggering at different height in the atmosphere. Specifically, the blue asymmetry noted in ion{C}{2} and ion{Mg}{2} h&k lines suggests the occurrence of chromospheric evaporation at the footpoint located in the penumbra as a consequence of magnetic reconnection process at higher atmospheric heigths.
We present here the observations of solar jets observed on April 04, 2017 from NOAA active region (AR) 12644 using high temporal and spatial resolution AIA instrument. We have observed around twelve recurring jets during the whole day. Magnetic flux emergence and cancellation have been observed at the jet location. The multi-band observations evidenced that these jets were triggered due to the magnetic reconnection at low coronal null-point.
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