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Symmetries and Singularities of the Szekeres System

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 نشر من قبل Andronikos Paliathanasis
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The Szekeres system is studied with two methods for the determination of conservation laws. Specifically we apply the theory of group invariant transformations and the method of singularity analysis. We show that the Szekeres system admits a Lagrangian and the conservation laws that we find can be derived by the application of Noethers theorem. The stability for the special solutions of the Szekeres system is studied and it is related with the with the Left or Right Painleve Series which describes the expansions.

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The Szekeres system with cosmological constant term describes the evolution of the kinematic quantities for Einstein field equations in $mathbb{R}^4$. In this study, we investigate the behavior of trajectories in the presence of cosmological constant . It has been shown that the Szekeres system is a Hamiltonian dynamical system. It admits at least two conservation laws, $h$ and $I_{0}$ which indicate the integrability of the Hamiltonian system. We solve the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, and we reduce the Szekeres system from $mathbb{R}^4$ to an equivalent system defined in $mathbb{R}^2$. Global dynamics are studied where we find that there exists an attractor in the finite regime only for positive valued cosmological constant and $I_0<2.08$. Otherwise, trajectories reach infinity. For $I_ {0}>0$ the origin of trajectories in $mathbb{R}^2$ is also at infinity. Finally, we investigate the evolution of physical properties by using dimensionless variables different from that of Hubble-normalization conducing to a dynamical system in $mathbb{R}^5$. We see that the attractor at the finite regime in $mathbb{R}^5$ is related with the de Sitter universe for a positive cosmological constant.
In this paper, the classical and quantum solutions of some axisymmetric cosmologies coupled to a massless scalar field are studied in the context of minisuperspace approximation. In these models, the singular nature of the Lagrangians entails a searc h for possible conditional symmetries. These have been proven to be the simultaneous conformal symmetries of the supermetric and the superpotential. The quantization is performed by adopting the Dirac proposal for constrained systems, i.e. promoting the first-class constraints to operators annihilating the wave function. To further enrich the approach, we follow cite{Christodoulakis:2012eg} and impose the operators related to the classical conditional symmetries on the wave function. These additional equations select particular solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. In order to gain some physical insight from the quantization of these cosmological systems, we perform a semiclassical analysis following the Bohmian approach to quantum theory. The generic result is that, in all but one model, one can find appropriate ranges of the parameters, so that the emerging semiclassical geometries are non-singular. An attempt for physical interpretation involves the study of the effective energy-momentum tensor which corresponds to an imperfect fluid.
We refer to the classic definition of a singularity in Einsteins general relativity (based on geodesic incompletness) as well as to some other criteria to evaluate the nature of singularities in cosmology. We review what different (non-Big-Bang) type s of singularities are possible even in the simplest cosmological framework of Friedmann cosmology. We also show that various cosmological singularities may be removed or changed due to the variability of physical constants.
We study the differences and equivalences between the non-perturbative description of the evolution of cosmic structure furnished by the Szekeres dust models (a non-spherical exact solution of Einsteins equations) and the dynamics of Cosmological Per turbation Theory (CPT) for dust sources in a $Lambda$CDM background. We show how the dynamics of Szekeres models can be described by evolution equations given in terms of exact fluctuations that identically reduce (at all orders) to evolution equations of CPT in the comoving isochronous gauge. We explicitly show how Szekeres linearised exact fluctuations are specific (deterministic) realisations of standard linear perturbations of CPT given as random fields but, as opposed to the latter perturbations, they can be evolved exactly into the full non-linear regime. We prove two important results: (i) the conservation of the curvature perturbation (at all scales) also holds for the appropriate approximation of the exact Szekeres fluctuations in a $Lambda$CDM background, and (ii) the different collapse morphologies of Szekeres models yields, at nonlinear order, different functional forms for the growth factor that follows from the study of redshift space distortions. The metric based potentials used in linear CPT are computed in terms of the parameters of the linearised Szekeres models, thus allowing us to relate our results to linear CPT results in other gauges. We believe that these results provide a solid starting stage to examine the role of non-perturbative General Relativity in current cosmological research.
The quasi-spherical Szekeres dust solutions are a generalization of the spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi dust models where the spherical shells of constant mass are non-concentric. The quasi-spherical Szekeres dust solutions can be conside red as cosmological models and are potentially models for the formation of primordial black holes in the early universe. Any collapsing quasi-spherical Szekeres dust solution where an apparent horizon covers all shell-crossings that will occur can be considered as a model for the formation of a black hole. In this paper we will show that the apparent horizon can be detected by a Cartan invariant. We will show that particular Cartan invariants characterize properties of these solutions which have a physical interpretation such as: the expansion or contraction of spacetime itself, the relative movement of matter shells, shell-crossings and the appearance of necks and bellies.
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