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A finitely generated group that does not satisfy the generalized Burghelea Conjecture

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 نشر من قبل Michael Hull
 تاريخ النشر 2017
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We construct a finitely generated group that does not satisfy the generalized Burghelea conjecture.

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اقرأ أيضاً

152 - Sebastian Thomas 2009
We give an elementary proof of the well-known fact that the third cohomology group H^3(G, M) of a group G with coefficients in an abelian G-module M is in bijection to the set Ext^2(G, M) of equivalence classes of crossed module extensions of G with M.
135 - Joao Magueijo , Lee Smolin 2018
In this paper we propose that cosmological time is a quantum observable that does not commute with other quantum operators essential for the definition of cosmological states, notably the cosmological constant. This is inspired by properties of a mea sure of time---the Chern-Simons time---and the fact that in some theories it appears as a conjugate to the cosmological constant, with the two promoted to non-commuting quantum operators. Thus, the Universe may be delocalised in time: it does not {it know} the time, a property which opens up new cosmological scenarios, as well as invalidating several paradoxes, such as the timelike tower of turtles associated with an omnipresent time line. Alternatively, a Universe with a sharply defined clock time must have an indeterminate cosmological constant. The challenge then is to explain how islands of localized time may emerge, and give rise to localized histories. In some scenarios this is achieved by backward transitions in quantum time, cycling the Universe in something akin to a time machine cycle, with classical flow and quantum ebbing. The emergence on matter in a sea of Lambda probably provides the ballast behind classical behaviour.
Models based on the Transformer architecture have achieved better accuracy than the ones based on competing architectures for a large set of tasks. A unique feature of the Transformer is its universal application of a self-attention mechanism, which allows for free information flow at arbitrary distances. Following a probabilistic view of the attention via the Gaussian mixture model, we find empirical evidence that the Transformer attention tends to explain away certain input neurons. To compensate for this, we propose a doubly-normalized attention scheme that is simple to implement and provides theoretical guarantees for avoiding the explaining away effect without introducing significant computational or memory cost. Empirically, we show that the new attention schemes result in improved performance on several well-known benchmarks.
We study completions of the group algebra of a finitely generated group and relate nuclearity of such a completion to growth properties of the group. This extends previous work of Jolissaint on nuclearity of rapidly decreasing functions on a finitely generated group to more general weights than polynomial decrease. The new group algebras and their duals are studied in detail and compared to other approaches. As application we discuss the convergence of the complete growth function introduced by Grigorchuk and Nagnibeda.
Type IIB supergravity enjoys a discrete non-Abelian duality group, which has potential quantum anomalies. In this paper we explicitly compute these, and present the bordism group that controls them, modulo some physically motivated assumptions. Quite surprisingly, we find that they do not vanish, which naively would signal an inconsistency of F-theory. Remarkably, a subtle modification of the standard 10d Chern-Simons term cancels these anomalies, a fact which relies on the ***specific*** field content of type IIB supergravity. We also discover other ways to cancel this anomaly, via a topological analog of the Green-Schwarz mechanism. These alternative type IIB theories have the same low energy supergravity limit as ordinary type IIB, but a different spectrum of extended objects. They could either be part of the Swampland, or connect to the standard theory via domain walls.
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