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Characterisation and applications of $Bbbk$-split bimodules

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 نشر من قبل Volodymyr Mazorchuk
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We describe the structure of bimodules (over finite dimensional algebras) which have the property that the functor of tensoring with such a bimodule sends any module to a projective module. The main result is that all such bimodules are $Bbbk$-split in the sense that they factor (inside the tensor category of bimodules) over $Bbbk$-vector spaces. As one application, we show that any simple $2$-category has a faithful $2$-representation inside the $2$-category of $Bbbk$-split bimodules. As another application, we classify simple transitive $2$-representations of the $2$-category of projective bimodules over the algebra $Bbbk[x,y]/(x^2,y^2,xy)$.

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The quantum Satake correspondence relates dihedral Soergel bimodules to the semisimple quotient of the quantum $mathfrak{sl}_2$ representation category. It also establishes a precise relation between the simple transitive $2$-representations of both monoidal categories, which are indexed by bicolored $mathsf{ADE}$ Dynkin diagrams. Using the quantum Satake correspondence between affine $mathsf{A}_{2}$ Soergel bimodules and the semisimple quotient of the quantum $mathfrak{sl}_3$ representation category, we introduce trihedral Hecke algebras and Soergel bimodules, generalizing dihedral Hecke algebras and Soergel bimodules. These have their own Kazhdan-Lusztig combinatorics, simple transitive $2$-representations corresponding to tricolored generalized $mathsf{ADE}$ Dynkin diagrams.
94 - Thomas J. Haines 2016
This article establishes some elementary dualities for root systems with automorphisms. We give several applications to reductive groups over nonarchimedean local fields: (1) the proof of a conjecture of Pappas-Rapoport-Smithling characterizing the e xtremal elements of the ${ mu }$-admissible sets attached to general non-split groups; (2) for quasi-split groups, a simple uniform description of the Bruhat-Tits {e}chelonnage root system $Sigma_0$, the Knop root system $widetilde{Sigma}_0$, and the Macdonald root system $Sigma_1$, in terms of Galois actions on the absolute roots $Phi$; and (3) for quasi-split groups, the construction of the geometric basis of the center of a parahoric Hecke algebra, and the expression of certain important elements of the stable Bernstein center in terms of this basis.
In this article we analyze the structure of $2$-categories of symmetric projective bimodules over a finite dimensional algebra with respect to the action of a finite abelian group. We determine under which condition the resulting $2$-category is fiat (in the sense of cite{MM1}) and classify simple transitive $2$-representations of this $2$-category (under some mild technical assumption). We also study several classes of examples in detail.
We discuss the structure of the Motzkin algebra $M_k(D)$ by introducing a sequence of idempotents and the basic construction. We show that $cup_{kgeq 1}M_k(D)$ admits a factor trace if and only if $Din {2cos(pi/n)+1|ngeq 3}cup [3,infty)$ and higher c ommutants of these factors depend on $D$. Then a family of irreducible bimodules over the factors are constructed. A tensor category with $A_n$ fusion rule is obtained from these bimodules.
138 - P. Saracco 2015
The Structure Theorem for Hopf modules states that if a bialgebra $H$ is a Hopf algebra (i.e. it is endowed with a so-called antipode) then every Hopf module $M$ is of the form ${M}^{mathrm{co}{H}}otimes H$, where ${M}^{mathrm{co}{H}}$ denotes the sp ace of coinvariant elements in $M$. Actually, it has been shown that this result characterizes Hopf algebras: $H$ is a Hopf algebra if and only if every Hopf module $M$ can be decomposed in such a way. The main aim of this paper is to extend this characterization to the framework of quasi-bialgebras by introducing the notion of preantipode and by proving a Structure Theorem for quasi-Hopf bimodules. We will also establish the uniqueness of the preantipode and the closure of the family of quasi-bialgebras with preantipode under gauge transformation. Then, we will prove that every Hopf and quasi-Hopf algebra (i.e. a quasi-bialgebra with quasi-antipode) admits a preantipode and we will show how some previous results, as the Structure Theorem for Hopf modules, the Hausser-Nill theorem and the Bulacu-Caenepeel theorem for quasi-Hopf algebras, can be deduced from our Structure Theorem. Furthermore, we will investigate the relationship between the preantipode and the quasi-antipode and we will study a number of cases in which the two notions are equivalent: ordinary bialgebras endowed with trivial reassociator, commutative quasi-bialgebras, finite-dimensional quasi-bialgebras.
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